The craving

811 Words

The weekend stretched out in front of Hazel like an endless expanse of time she had no idea how to fill. After the confrontation with Ace, she had been left with a confusing mix of emotions. She spent most of Saturday avoiding her phone, trying to distract herself with chores, homework, and anything else that would keep her mind occupied. By Sunday afternoon, however, the distractions had run out. Hazel sat on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Mia had texted her multiple times, each message dripping with skepticism. "Who on earth forgives this easily?" Mia had asked. Hazel had no answer for her. She knew Mia was right. Forgiving Ace was risky, especially considering how deeply he had hurt her. But there was a part of her that longed for his presence, his touch. The memories of his lips o

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