Chapter 6: Brooke Pays Penn A Visit

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“You should go over there." “You're the one interested in Penn," Brooke said, not looking up. “Nah. I've got a date tonight," Paige said. Brooke looked up from the book she was reading while sitting on the lumpy couch that had come with the apartment. “A date?" Paige smiled. She fluffed her hair and tugged on a jacket. “Yeah. A guy I work with asked me out." “That guy?" Brooke asked. Paige had been mooning over this guy, but then again Paige mooned over lots of men, including their new neighbor. Brooke never took her roommate's crushes too seriously. None of them came to fruition. Paige's grin split her face. “Yes. That guy. I finally got his attention." “Good for you. Have fun." Paige was dressed for a date. Brooke had been too engrossed in her book to notice. Now that she studied her roommate, she realized she'd been primping all afternoon. Thankfully, Paige hadn't asked her for fashion advice. She wasn't one to care about those things. She dressed appropriately for work, but that was the extent of her fashion knowledge. Guess she'd have the evening to herself to finish her book. “I hope so. We're going roller skating." “Have you done that before?" Brooke asked. Paige got a lopsided smile on her face. “Nope, but all the more reason to have to hold onto Jake." Brooke laughed. Paige was incorrigible and she wore her heart on her sleeve. She often got it broken, but she also bounced back. If Brooke needed to believe in anything in life, it would be Paige's resiliency. It was a marvel to see and kept Brooke going when she was feeling down. “So you going next door?" Paige asked. “Under what pretense?" “I baked some cookies you can bring him. Chocolate chip. Everyone loves those." Brooke sighed. Paige wasn't going to let this go. Brooke might as well deliver the cookies and maybe she could get Paige to back off. Brooke was still feeling odd since the discovery of Josh's body. It wasn't every day that someone was murdered, let alone Brooke finding that person. What had Josh been involved in, or was this just something random? She would expect that in this neighborhood, but not where Josh lived. Brooke debated a reply then just gave in. “Okay. I'll take them over after you leave." “Promise?" “Promise." “There are some already on a plate for you to just carry over there." Brooke nodded and went back to her book. Paige left for her date and the cookies called to Brooke. She should probably have one before she gave them to Penn. She ate one, and they were up to her standards. There was nothing stopping her from walking next door with them. She checked herself in the mirror in the bathroom then shrugged. “I'm not trying to appeal to him. I'm just delivering cookies." She grabbed the plate, took a deep breath, then strode over to the apartment next door. Penn opened the door not long after she knocked. His hair was wet, but not dripping as if he'd stepped out of the shower recently. He was fully dressed at least. His smile lit up his face. “Hi." “Hi. Uh, Paige baked some cookies. She thought you might want some." Penn stepped out of the way. “Come in. Join me in a cookie?" It was a simple request, but his voice sent shivers all over her. She was acting like a lovesick teenager. She wrote about these things, but she'd never experienced them in life. The way he said it, the question sounded dirty. She looked around the apartment, which was a mirror of hers. This one had better furniture, but she hadn't seen him move anything in. Maybe he'd done it while she was at work. She couldn't imagine the landlord purchasing anything this nice. She thought the one couch was leather. No, that can't be real. “Milk?" Penn asked. “To go with the cookies?" “Uh, no. You don't need to share them with me," Brooke said. His smile didn't falter. “I can't eat them alone." She glanced around again. This artwork wasn't stock. He'd dressed up the place, clearly. “Uh, okay, but tea would be better if you have it." “Tea it is," Penn said. He motioned towards the leather couch. “Have a seat. I'll be right there." He put a kettle on the stove and then put the cookies on the coffee table that was not from a thrift store. What was this guy doing in a place like this? He has some means, though Brooke hadn't seen him go to work. “How are you finding the place?" It wasn't her business why he was in the dump, but she did want to know. “It's okay. The neighbors mostly keep to themselves." “Except for the ones bearing cookies," Brooke said. He laughed as he poured boiling water into mugs. “Neighbors with cookies are always welcome." Was he flirting with her as he set their mugs on the table? He settled on an overstuffed chair. This man had good taste in furniture. The art on the walls matched. No frames from the Dollar Store here. “I'm glad I'm not intruding." Something was not right here. This complex was a dump. She knew it. Paige knew it. Every resident knew it. Why was this guy here with his expensive furniture? Was he hiding from something or someone? “Not at all. I had already finished my workout. I'm glad you came over." “We do keep to ourselves here, so I was hesitant, but I had the cookies," Brooke said. Yeah, that sounded intelligent. “I'm glad you shared them with me." This conversation was inane. Were they going to talk about the cookies all day? “How long have you lived here?" Penn asked. “Two years. Paige has lived with me for most of that." Penn nodded and then sipped his tea. She picked up hers to have something to do. This was awkward and she was sorry that she came over.
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