Penn couldn't turn down the invitation if he wanted to. He liked Brooke and enjoyed spending time with her. He stepped into her apartment and then put the package of soup on the counter. Besides, he could watch over her if he was in the apartment instead of having to be aware of what was going on from next door. “Go get in your sweats and I'll heat the soup." She eyed him. “How do you know I get into sweats when I'm sick?" “Because it's what I do when I'm sick. Doesn't everyone?" He nudged her in the direction of the bedroom. She laughed but closed the door behind her. When she returned he had the soup warming in a pot. He had a bowl warming in the toaster oven. He'd set out a spoon and a napkin. “Wow. Thanks." He set the bowl of soup in front of her and then poured himself some.
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