Six: Unexpected News

1087 Words
KAI A day later, I was in the council of elders again. They've been asking for my presence and calling for a meeting since I brought Nadine to Eden City but things had to be done properly. I couldn't just attend to them when I was yet to explain to Nadine what she was doing in Eden City. And God! That explanation had unfolded in a way I wasn't expecting it to at all. I know it was going to be ridiculous, telling her about the werewolf world that'd cease to exist if her project was commissioned but saying it out loud and watching all the expressions on her face had made it much more ridiculous. I knew she was going to believe me that easily and the plan was to let her slowly come to terms with it but those kids just happened to be shifting right there on the street in broad daylight and as if seeing them was not enough, I was just stupid enough to let my anger get my claws out and changed my eyes color and the minute she saw that, she paled completely before she took a step back from me only for her to collapse. And my reflexes were of course, quick enough to grab her before she hits the floor. The memories of how her curves had molded into the hard planes of my body flashed through my mind and I gulped involuntarily. It was just to carry her from the window to the bed but the intensity of the feelings it had invoked in me was even more intense than naked bodies tangled together and working each other to an earth-shattering orgasm. Was that what it feels like? I immediately called on my personal physician to check up on her which was difficult for him at first because she was human and he has always been treating werewolves and during that minute when he couldn't get how to check her vitals and all that, I had contemplated storming back into her world to bring in a medical doctor that'd treat her but then, he finally found a way and that was when I was able to relax. He said she fainted from extreme shock and that it might take her a couple of days to come back because she was in a new world where she wasn't used to the weather and atmosphere. I kept him in the house so he'd be there whenever she woke up and I stayed up in her room all through the night but she did not even stir. And now, as a good leader, I had to attend this council meeting to tell them what they wanted to hear. "Has she agreed to the terms you laid out for her?" Elder Will demanded immediately I took my seat, confirming my resolution that one of these days, I was going to cut out his tongue and feed it to him if he doesn't learn how to address his Alpha in the correct manner. There was a sudden quietness as Will sat up straighter and that was when I realized that I had said that out loud. I didn't quiver, just glared at Will that he sat upright and bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry for that, Alpha." I ignored him to address the rest of the council. "She's currently in my house and for now, she finds it hard to believe that werewolves actually exist not to talk of canceling her project because of us and with the way things are, it might take a while for me to convince her to put her project on hold." "Scare her then," Levi spoke without thinking, leveling me with that hated glare that he always directed at me, "scare her as the former King did to George, threaten her, get your claws, show her she'll be courting death if she refuses to cooperate." My hands balled into fists at his suggestion because the idea of even scaring her or hurting her in the slightest bit was enough to make my blood boil. "She's a female, we can't go all caveman on her as we did to George," I managed to grit out through clenched teeth. Heck, she was so fragile that she collapsed from seeing my claws. Actively threatening her with that was going to kill her. "Of course, she's a female," Levi replied with an amused glint in his eyes, "is she pretty?" he chuckled to himself, "I bet she's pretty seeing how you're already thinking with your dick." "Watch your mouth, Levi," I growled, reaching for the collar of his shirt which was quite easy because he was sitting right by my side, "watch the way you address me!" "Of course, Alpha King," he raised his hands in mock surrender, the amusement in his eyes deepening and I knew that he knew Nadine had sparked something in me, something that was actually making me think with my d**k. I dropped his collar. "This is not the time for irrational chit-chats and arguments, we need to think of how to resolve the issue at hand!" that was Luca. "Yes and my honest suggestion, I think we should just get rid of her," Aaron announced like a dumb motherfucker and my hand tightened with the need to crush his windpipe. "Yes, I agree, killing her off is the next viable option for us right now, at least if we do that, it'll buy us the time to figure out our next move and allow us to buy the next mayor over." "We can't just kill an innocent human being," Luca protested. "Well, she's not so innocent seeing how she wants to put our existence to an end." "She doesn't even know that this would happen." "Apart from killing her, what better idea do you have?" "None for now but I'm sure Kai can convince her and make this work." "Ohh, don't be ridiculous please, we don't have the luxury to wait around." Their voices rose as they argued more and more like barbarians and it was incredibly hard for me to remain still. Levi, on the other hand, was sitting back on his chair and looking at them as if he was watching a show of a lifetime. As their arguments continued, I eventually couldn't take it anymore and I slammed my fist on the desk, shaking everything on it. "She's my mate," I growled angrily and as expected, they all fell quiet.
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