Chapter 23 - Lust Eyes

1731 Words

Chapter Twenty-Three Meet The Parents ***Lorana*** The morning sun streamed in through an open window, dancing in curious patterns across Damon’s delicious face. Slight stubble shaded his chin. It made him more dashing and a little roguish. Damn, he’s movie hot! My strange dream... A scene almost from a memory or a familiar movie... had woken me deliriously, craving Damon’s attention. “Are you awake?” I whispered, leaning over his sleeping body. I listened closely to his breathing and found myself almost hypnotised by it. He was perfect. We were perfect. Everything was perfect… It's nearly too perfect. I even pinched myself to check I was awake and that this scene that played out before me was not a continuation of that dream. “Damon?” He stirred slightly before burying his face into

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