Chapter 25 - Family Ties

1518 Words

Chapter Twenty-Five Family Ties  ***Lorana*** Even on the cusp of exhilaration, I couldn’t help but fight the guilt for the burn on Damon’s back. I wanted to fix him, not break him. You’ve been studying how to heal… Not how to injure…! Now I’m good at both! “I’m ok,” he smiled at me, making my insides tingle. “I promise.” Suddenly, his eyes turned white. He tensed. A smirk crossed his lips. “Damon?” I had seen that far-off look earlier. “Is everything okay?” His eyes returned to their colours as they met mine. “We have visitors...” He peered through a curtained window behind me. “I guess they felt me... But I wasn’t expecting them so soon.” “They?” I gulped a nervous breath. “Who?” Running his hand through his hair, he grinned at me. “You get to meet my parents.” “I’m not dress

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