Prologue 'Part 3' - Primal Call

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Prologue ‘Part 3’ Primal Call ***Rosalie*** Whimpering, I pushed myself up from the ground, seeing the hazy sight of all the shredded pieces from my red cloak scattered around me. My body was heavy, more prominent, and awkward to move. I blinked open my eyes to a blindingly bright room. Squinting, I stepped back and realised the room was inhabited by giant brown, white, grey and black wolves, howling and pining, clawing at the ground, circling each other, and sniffing the air. Wolves? I peered down to see a shimmering coat of black fur rippling across a broad canine chest. I had to look again, worried I was dreaming. When I realised it was real, my heart raced. A wolf! The transformation spell turns us into Wolves! I shook my head, ruffling my black fur, each strand rustling clear in my ears. I could see everything in precise detail. I could hear the chatter of voices far away. Horses neighed in the distance but sounded as though they were right beside me. ‘The keen sight of an owl.’ Whispered a voice in my mind. ‘The skill of a cheater… And the strength and cunning of the wolf… And the hearing of the wolf.’ ‘Edward?’ I glanced around the room. Most of the wolves had paired off, dancing hypnotically around each other. ‘Where is Edward?’ I sniffed the air. His familiar scent of fresh linen and pine was close and unnaturally vivid. I sniffed again, then glanced to my side. His naked human body came into focus, splayed on his chest, with his still intact cloak covering half of him. Blood streaked from his gaping mouth and dripped from his ears. His eyes were wide, colourless marbles that hinted at death. ‘Edward!’ I cried, walking to him with unsteady feet. A pain like no other tightened its grip on my heart, stealing my breath. ‘Edward... No...!’ “Wake up... please.” I pleaded, nudging him with my snout. Tears dampened the fur beneath my eyes. ‘Edward, my love, wake up...’ No movement. I placed my heavy head against his motionless chest. Nothing! He was dead! My true love was dead! No!! I howled towards the heavens, my howl echoing off the walls. A rage built within me, so fierce it could not be contained. Snarling, I charged towards the cauldron, determined to destroy it and anyone around it. ‘You killed Edward!” The strength in my body was immense. I could feel the power through every limb. Heat rushed down my spine. ‘Edward is dead!’ ‘Stop Rosalie!’ Demanded a voice with an air of authority. ‘Stop now!’ I halted mid-leap and brought myself back to the ground with a solid thud. I wanted to kill the owner of the voice. I wanted to make them pay. ‘You killed Edward!’ I snarled between gritted fangs, my claws piercing the floor beneath. ‘Rose...’ a large silver-brown wolf circled me before coming to face me. ‘Killing everyone will not bring Edward back!’ I flashed my fangs, challenging it. ‘Who are you to tell me how to feel?!’ The large black snout inched closer, causing me to back away, still brandishing my teeth. ‘I am your Alpha... Now, back down!’ ‘Alpha?’ I whimpered in submission. This was a new sensation—a primal fear that this wolf had somehow installed by his mere voice. ‘Calm!’ He demanded. His voice was heavy in my mind. My body obeyed, dropping to the ground until the floor could be felt through my fur. There was a strange sensation tingling my spine. Suddenly, that fear vanished, and my mind was determined to fight back. Trying to tackle this sudden power over my actions, I shook his voice from my mind and forced myself to stand again. ‘Edward... Is dead!’ The voice was silent in my mind now. I lifted my eyes to his. The fear vanished in the presence of two bright diamond-blue eyes. I took a curious step forward when a sharp jolt coursed through my body, throwing me to the floor. With a loud howl followed by the crack of bone and the shift of my body, I was human again, trembling, naked and exposed, beside the dead body of my beloved Edward. “Ed... Edward.” I sobbed as I heaved my aching body from the ground. The fury was gone. The curiosity was forgotten. Ignoring everything and everyone around me, I crawled to Edward’s lifeless figure and threw myself over him. “Why?” I cried, burying my face into him. “Why would the goddesses of our world take away my Edward?” A figure knelt beside me. His cloak opened, revealing the ripples of his muscular chest beneath. “Dear sweet Rosalie...” He cooed, wrapping a blanket around my trembling body. “Rosalie, let me help…” His voice rang like a song in my ears. Trembling, I peered up into William’s eyes. He had been that voice in my head when I was a wolf. He had been that alpha wolf that could control me. The darkness and misery was gone. He was as beautiful and as youthful as Edward had been. Edward. I shook my head, trying to remove any other thought. What is wrong with me? “Edward’s dead!” “My heart aches for my brother,” William whispered as he unhooked my arms from Edward and pulled me into his embrace. I attempted to fight it, but my body ached, and the exhaustion made any movement impossible. “It seems the Goddess of love has bonded us.” He caressed my face, leaving static in his wake. Sniffling back tears, I peered up at him. He tilted my chin so our eyes met. “I knew you were my destiny, Rosalie, from my first transformation. I fell in love with you that day. Each day has been agony without you in my embrace. It destroyed me seeing your love was for Edward.” “Why would you admit that?” Wiping the tears from my face, I pulled away from him, wrapping the cloak tighter. “I need time to mourn… Edward is my love… He was my everything.” Sobbing, I crawled back to his body. I caressed his cold face. “Why William? Why was he taken from me...?” “The goddesses are mysterious,” he replied, gently closing his brother’s eyelids. I do love my brother. There is no denying that. However, there is no way I can fight the bond between you and me.” He held my gaze, and a warmth passed between us, an instant understanding that broke my heart. “You feel it, too?” Edward had been taken from me, and William had been given to me. I felt the desire towards William, and there was no denying it. It had been the will of the goddesses, yet this attraction to William was wrong. It was a deep, primal call, binding my soul to his. Lust. Desire. “Edward knew the risks,” William added. He pulled me against his chest, holding me with a tenderness that was so distracting and wrong. "He would bless our bond as it got stronger.” Deep within that primal instinct, I understood he had awoken it in me. I battled a tug of need and desire, drawing me to him. My heart broke for Edward. All our plans, hopes, and wishes were gone. And what would happen to my dear Ella now I was feeling this primal desire for William? “What about Ella, your wife?” I sniffled, wiping my eyes. I peered over at Edward’s body, and the pain tore at my chest. Tears fell in a never-ending cascade. My Edward! “She is fine, my petal…” He wiped away tears he had mistakenly thought I had cried for my sister, revealing Ella kneeling beside a young man, running her hands through his curly brown hair. “Ella?” I called out between sobs. The moment Ella met my gaze, I saw my beautiful sister again. Her peach skin had returned, and her hair was a dark, shimmering halo around her. “This is beautiful…” She sung. “Can you feel it, Rose? Can you feel that love? I have been waiting for so long!” Before I could respond, Ella returned to the man. “See, Ella has been pining for him since her awakening...” William assured me. He cupped my chin, wiping my tears with his thumb. “As I have been for you, Rose.” “Edward,” I whispered, removing his hands from my face. “I still love him... He is no more dead a few minutes, and you want me to move on!” I slid over to the body of the man with whom I had shared my first kiss and pulled the cloak over him. Tears ran from my eyes. The sorrow sat heavy in my heart. I turned back to William. “I need time... I need to heal!” “Yes,” William smiled softly, bringing me to my feet. “This is the will of the goddesses. It is a will that is as old as time. Love in the truest form… So, I will wait… And I will do all I can to prove my love…” In my heart, I knew he was right. In time, as the mourning for Edward grew easier, I would love William in return. “Will you be mine, Rose?” William asked, pressing his face into my neck and nuzzling my birthmark. Will you rule beside me as my queen, produce an heir from your womb to continue our bloodline, and accept me as your soulmate?” “In time,” I replied with a skipped breath. His touch was sending all my senses in a whirlwind. “I, Rosalie Blackwood, will be yours, William Shires… In time…” “Yes,” he whispered, kissing my hand. “And I, William Shires, will give you, Rosalie Blackwood, my heart for always…” I pulled myself away from William’s embrace. He eyed me cautiously as I placed a gentle hand against my departed Edward’s chest. I still had a connection with him. I could feel it. I will miss you so much, Edward… “He must be buried at his home...” I said sternly, between my tears. “His burial will be treated like those of royal blood deserve. Nothing less...” “Yes,” he agreed, kissing the corner of my forehead. “Edward Shires, my beloved brother, will be given only the best in death, as he rightly deserves...”
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