Prologue 'Part 1' - Different Magics

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Prologue 'Part 1' Different Magics ***Rosalie*** Distant stars twinkled, nestled in the inky black of a midnight sky. High above, a full moon shone brilliant and bright, casting its beckoning silver glow over the stone walls of Blackwood Castle, guiding the way for those who planned to attend tonight’s gathering. “A coach approaches!” Julius, my father’s oldest tower guard, bellowed from the archway of the guard tower, his brown cloak flapping in the winter night air, his grey hair glistening in the moonlight. The chime of bells began to echo through the walls. His husky voice rose above them. “The Lord and Lady Blackwood are near!” The fresh caress of night air cooled my flustered cheeks, whisking through my long black hair as I stood on the balcony of my bed chamber, peering out over the moonlit grounds of Blackwood Castle. The shadow of my parent’s horse-drawn coach passed through the iron gateway. A chill ran through my body, protected by nothing more than the itchy red cloak I had been encouraged to wear. I tightened it snuggly around my hips, trying to conceal the sheer nakedness beneath. “The Lord and Lady Blackwood have arrived!” Julius repeated as the chimes faded away. It had been many long weeks since I had seen my parents, and I had missed them terribly. However, their arrival brought relief and a sense of unease that resonated deep within me. They had ventured beyond the Blackwood borders to the northern lands to complete their collection of the necessary ingredients for tonight’s magical awakening ceremony… And now they had returned. My father, Emmanuel Blackwood, was an esteemed warlock from the royal Blackwoods – a family of warlocks and witches bedded deeply in history. Magic was common in our territory and stretched beyond the seas. However, not everyone could conjure it unless it was in their blood, like my mother, Louisa, who was from a non-magical family. A horse’s bridled neighing filled my ears, sending shivers down my spine. I held my hand to my chest, feeling my heart tremble beneath. Settle… This is for our family… “Miss... Rose...” Puffed a familiar voice from behind me. “Rosalie…” I spun on my heels to see my lady-in-waiting, Daniella Graybar, clambering breathlessly into my chambers, her round cheeks flushed. Collapsing against the wall, she caught her breath. “Oh my, oh my…” “Is - Is everything prepared?” I stammered, pulling my cloak protectively across my chest. “Is… Is it time?” “Yes, Miss,” she frantically fanned her face with her thick, calloused hands. “Your father has ordered me to collect you... You must attend the ritual chamber now!” She heaved her body from the wall and summoned me closer. “There is no time to waste, dear...” “Daniella, tonight’s plans cannot be changed,” I said softly, peering into her honey-brown eyes. However, am I ready? What if it goes horribly wrong? What if Edward is not my soulmate?” I approached her, and goosebumps prickled my skin. “Is it wrong to admit I fear the worst?” “Oh, my dear,” she cooed, taking my hands. She held them gentling, stroking them with her rough fingers. A sense of adoration passed between us. “This ceremony is an honour… it awakens the strong magic that is dormant inside you and links you eternally with your soulmate. You will uncover abilities you would never… Could never dream about.” “Being given this chance is a great honour,” I sighed heavily. “Edward has explained how the ceremony awakens a primal magic inside you…” I shivered involuntarily. “However, I have a fear that refuses to settle…” “Dear, trust me…” She smiled in a way that warmed your soul. “I have never witnessed two people as deeply in love as you and Edward.” “Daniella, of course, I trust you...” I replied honestly. “You have become more than a nursemaid to me. You have become my second mother, teacher, and confidant. Sadly, fear still trembles in my heart…” “You will see, my dear Rosalie…” she patted my hands soothingly, “Now, you must go,” she released my hands and ushered me through the doorway. “Your parents expect you to be in the ritual chamber before them. And you know how pedantic your father is about such timely matters involving magic!” “Yes, I do, and I shall not keep them waiting…” I hitched my cloak to my knees and hurried down the hallway, stopping at the base of the long, winding staircase that led to the ritual chamber at the top of the tower. My heart thundered in my chest, drowning out the sounds of my footsteps. Daniella followed closely behind, her breaths coming in short gasps with every step. Despite her years and the weight she carried on her short frame, she kept up with me, determined to see her task through to the end. “Do remember to put on your hood before entering the chamber…” She panted behind me. “Yes,” I replied, glancing around the narrow path we had run, hoping to see Edward waiting for me. We were alone. My heart sank. “Edward was to meet me here…” “He will not be far…” Daniella assured me. “But you must not wait…” Placing one foot on the stone step, I faltered, afraid of the next step and what lay ahead. My breath hitched. “This will be my first time in the ritual chamber...” For as long as I could remember, it was forbidden to enter the ritual chamber without my father’s permission. The chamber was where Father, his father, and his father’s father before him practised their magic and spell casting. It was where I would train when I turned twenty-one, and my powers came to fruition. If tonight went as planned, my lessons with Father would begin in two weeks… My sister, Ella, a year older than me, would never have a chance with magic. When she was eighteen, she dabbled with forbidden magic in the chamber and had recklessly mixed two dangerous vials. They erupted, and the mixture wiped her body of any inherited magic. Furious, my father almost banished her from Blackwood Castle, even with our mother’s protests. However, fate had other plans... We were visited by Sir William Shires, the master warlock and eldest son of the royal Shires family, from the southern borders. He had heard of my father’s magical abilities and had travelled many days to meet him in a bid to be taken under his tutelage. He brought magics of unimaginable powers, stronger than any our family had seen before. He also brought a different kind of magic, awakening magic, and a lustful eye. The young William, a handsome man shy of twenty-eight, fell in love with my sweet Ella as she had with him. In return for her hand, William offered to show Father his most powerful spell—The Awakening. Father agreed, and the two were married. Shortly after their wedding, William performed the first awakening ceremony. This was the spell my father had been eagerly awaiting. That night changed Ella and William in a way my naive mind could not understand… Even now. William withdrew, disappearing into the woods at night. Ella would sit at her window, weeping for days, and soon refused to speak. Her once beautiful ebony hair had become lifeless and dull. The sparkle in her green eyes, the trademark of the Blackwood heirs, faded away. My dear Ella... I teetered on the stone steps, remembering that fateful night. I vividly recall the sight of her wasting away, haunting the dark corners of our castle. The fear of meeting the same fate sent shivers down my spine. My chest tightened. What if I became like Ella? “This is where we part ways, dear Rosalie…” Daniella panted from behind me. “I will see you come daybreak.” A lump formed in my throat, making it hard to swallow. I turned to her. “You will look after Ella if this fails?” I ran back to her, pleading with my eyes. “No matter what happens, please look after my sister… Daniella, I beg you…” “Yes, my lady,” Daniella nodded, her eyes turning dark, threatening with tears. “I will do everything I can to care for Miss Ella...” The final guard bell chimed, sending unwanted shivers through me. Daniella threw her arms around my trembling body and held me. “You will be fine, Miss Rose.” She cupped my chin, and her motherly eyes softened. “You have nothing to fear. You have your father’s bravery and stubbornness and your mother’s loyalty and heart. You will come through this stronger and more powerful than before...” “Ella’s awakening ceremony failed.” I reminded her solemnly. “Yes, I know,” she ran a finger across my cheek, brushing away a tear. “As much as I adore Miss Ella, you have always been stronger... You have the Blackwood determination.” Finally swallowing the stuck breath, I kissed Daniella’s cheek. “Thank you... For everything.” As we shared a farewell glance, the flutter of nerves bubbled inside me. I ran up the long staircase, taking two steps at a time until I reached the top floor. Standing before me was a grand oak wood door, which I had seen many times before, but today was different. Today, I was about to see the side of the door that had always intrigued and terrified me as a child. Behind this door, Ella had lost herself, and Father had created spells sought after by distant lands. My heart raced, thrumming in my ears. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, and reached for the door handle. As I was about to turn it, I heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the door. They were the same hushed murmurs I had heard when Ella awakened. I hesitated for a moment before dropping my arm. Can I do this? I began to back away. What if this fails?! “What if it hurts? What if I lose Edward?” “My beautiful Rose, you will never lose me.” Whispered a soothing voice in my ear. The voice was warm and familiar and made my insides flutter. “I give my word… Besides,” he breathed against my neck, making my thighs weak. “I would never allow anyone to cause you pain…” Breathless, I turned to see Edward Shires standing behind me. This gorgeous, tall, muscular man was William’s younger brother and my one true love. When he arrived alongside his brother and our eyes met, I knew he was my future. “I have been waiting for you,” he said as he brushed his ebony hair from his face, and my heart hitched. He was beautiful in a way that was beyond words. From his defined jawline, toned shoulders, and tiny freckles over his nose, there was no conceivable way to fault him. He was perfect. “You were supposed to meet me at the stairs so we could walk up together,” I chuckled, pressing my hand against his chest. At the touch, my fears shied away. “You promised...” “I did promise, my flower… However, I wanted to surprise you…” He grinned, the flames from the torch beside him reflecting in his blue eyes. “And now I have you to myself. How can I keep my hands off you? You are so irresistible...” “You know how to charm me, Edward…” My voice faulted as his lips brushed against my neck, warming the purple rose-shaped birthmark that blemished my fair skin above my collarbone. Edward adored the unusual mark, claiming I was his rose. I closed my eyes as he trailed a path across my collarbone with his fingers, sending static through my body. “Your beauty will be the death of me, dear Rose,” he whispered, inhaling my scent. I must have you tonight. If not, I will surely fall apart…” He kissed my neck, making my knees tremble. “Give me all of you…” The thought of intimacy sobered me. We were waiting to consummate our relationship once the ceremony was over. Each day, it was getting more difficult to contain the desire. Would that desire change after the ceremony? “Edward, wait.” Standing back, I peered into those loving eyes, my thoughts travelling to my poor, broken Ella, wandering around the darkest corners of the castle. What if our desires end tonight? What if, once this is over, we become like Ella and William?” “That will never be us,” he said, slipping his hands beneath my cloak. He grabbed my bare hips and pulled my body closer. “I love my brother dearly, but his marriage and bond to Ella was never love. It was lust on a whim and nothing more. Unlike us… Our destinies are intertwined.”
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