Chapter 13 - Dream Man

2118 Words

Chapter Thirteen Dream Man ***Lorana*** Meadows stretched as far as my eyes could see as I floated, traversing over a rolling mountainside that melted into a gorgeous blue sky. Damon was nearby. I could smell that lavender scent, that divine hint of pine—our scent. He was close. I landed gently, my bare feet sinking into the lush grass. Ahead, a shadow emerged from between the distant trees. It paused for a moment, then started to run towards me. “Damon, is that you?” I asked, knowing this was a dream. I knew my voice would travel. It would find him. “I’m here…” An orange glow rained down over me, warm and comforting against my skin. Then Damon was before me in all his golden glory. He was so beautiful... So delicious, and I knew as soon as he got closer, I wouldn’t be able to contr

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