Chapter 5

628 Words
BIOLOGY HOUR .......without Lisa Alone and sulking. Well, not exactly Alone...YES! but sulking...NO! Because Meg had just discovered the advantages of sitting in the backseats.Roan Mastlor. He was sitting only a few seats away from her and during the lecture, her eyes kept flickering in his direction more than the number of times she would like to admit. 'He is hot but that doesn't mean I should stare at him 'she chided herself but honestly, it was really hard. She noticed the way his eyes would narrow in concentration and wondered if he was actually listening to the lecture or thinking about something else because sure as hell it wasn't the biology lecture that seemed to have grabbed her attention. She was disappointed when the class ended. 'slightly, only slightly' She told herself. ENGLISH HOUR she knew Lisa wouldn't be sharing this class with her but was happy to find Emma and settled down on the seat beside her. 'Maybe I'll be able to concentrate in this class' But the moment she saw him walk inside the classroom she knew she couldn't Why ? She had no clue. She had never felt this way before, the whole butterflies-in-stomach feeling was foreign to her but just the sight of Roan and the butterflies were freaking somersaulting and doing all kinds of acrobatics. But unlike the last time, her seat was far away from his. Meg was in the front seats with Emma and backseats seemed to be what Roan favored in his classrooms. Just as Lisa had said, he preferred not to mingle with people and was satisfied being a shadow. All the sounds in the classroom ceased when the English teacher walked in and it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was very strict and she was the only teacher who made her stand up in front of the entire class and introduce herself which not only felt embarrassing but also stupid because she actually forced her to say her full name. Meg was short and a sweet name but no, the teacher had to force her , so now her full name was out for everybody to listen. Meghara calve. 'Boring and mouthful.kill me ! ' Meg resisted the urge to sulk as she sat down after her intro 'Sadist!' The teacher's mean streak dint end here(everything she was doing felt mean to Meg)she had a habit of spotting out random students in her class and making them read out paragraphs just to make sure they were paying attention to her lessons. "Mr.Mornisten"A scrawny guy stood up and started reading. "Ms.Harris" A girl from one of the front seats , "Ms.Patel"......."Mr.cross" Meg sighed.....Torture session. "Mr.Mastlor" Meg's breath caught in her throat as everybody's eyes in the classroom turned in his direction. He stood with such confidence and easy grace as if the stares didn't matter to him at all and began reading from exactly the same place where the person before him had stopped, but unlike the people before him, his voice was amazing. It was deep and smooth mixed with a masculine quality that made Meg wish he would keep on reading and judging by the way people were gawking at him she knew she wasn't alone. "Enough Mr.Mastlor.That was good" "Now, Mr.Dawson"whoever that guy was, began reading but Meg had tuned his voice out in her head and turned to look at Roan who seemed too busy spinning a pen between his fingers but as if he had sensed her looking at him his eyes snapped up and those grey eyes met hers directly. She dropped her gaze immediately as embarrassment turned her cheeks warm and she glued her eyes to the English textbook in front of her for the entire hour.
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