In love

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Shayne POV * * I woke up with a slight headache,I was In a total mess. I glanced at the wall clock “s**t”. I must have taken overdose of the d**g“. I thought I need to stay home all through today.. * I called my manager and he picked it immediately “Cancel all appointment for today”.I told him “ why?”. He asked “ I am ill”. I replied “ Shayne “. He called, did you take drugs? I remained quiet “ I have told you to stop doing drugs, it is bad for your health and your status as a celebrity, if the press gets to know , it will tarnish your reputation “. He continued “ I won’t do it again”. I grunted “ I have heard that so many times”. He complained. Anyways, next Saturday is your birthday,how do you intend to celebrate it?. He asked. “ I will celebrate it with friends , families and fellow celebrities”.i replied “ fine”, I will make sure it is grand”. He said and hung up This man is always getting on my nerves. I have tried so many times to stop doing drugs but I just kept going back to it. It makes me happy.. It is a secret about me that no one knows about except my mom and manager and I know once the rival records get hold of that , they will try using it to bring me down... I went to the bathroom to freshen up and headed downstairs.... * * * My mum was in the sitting room talking and laughing with two visitors. “Shayne , she called immediately she saw me and they looked at me.. The younger woman, a lady of my age stood up excitedly “ I am a huge fan of yours “ she said walking towards me She stretched forth her hand for a handshake “ I don’t shake strangers”. I said ignoring her “Oh, I am lexy”. She introduced herself “So”. I replied and was about heading to the kitchen when my mum called “ Shayne “. Don’t be rude, say hello to my long time friend Brenda Donalds and this is her daughter lexy I looked at the woman “ Helo”. I greeted “ Shayne, you are all grown up”. She remarked I gave her a weird look “ I don’t remember knowing you “. I said “ oh, you wouldn’t”. Your mother and I were old time friends “.she said “I guess you were both w****s then”. I blurted out “Shayne, your manners “. My mother scolded ‘ I am sorry ma”. I apologised with sarcasm The woman was clearly embarrassed but she smiled. “ I am sorry Brenda”. My mum apologised “ it is alright,my lexy is like that”.she said I stared at the girl who was still smiling like a puppy “ I hope you are lexy gets along “. My mum said...... * * I went to the kitchen to get some snacks and went straight to my room ... I laid down on the bed listening to music when someone knocked “Come in”.i drawled The door opened and lexy came in “My mum went out with your mother and I was bored sitting alone so I decided to come here”. She said I stared at her “ oh, your maids showed me your room”. She said I assessed the girl in front of me, she is so skinny. I dislike skinny girls, she was so not my type.. “What exactly do you want “. I asked I want you “. She replied bluntly I raised an eyebrow, “ are you this cheap”. I asked She looked at me “I am cheap only because it is you “. I smirked. She came towards me and sat on my laps twerking I was deeply aroused, “ what if I want you to bang me”. She said “ oh, right “.this b***h really aroused me. I rolled her, lifted her gown and tore her pants She was surprised,I knew she was expecting a foreplay but I had no time for that. I started banging her . I banged her without emotions. She was a b***h after all.... * * I went to the bathroom to clean up after the s*x and when I came back to the room,the b***h was still on the bed.... “ what are you doing?”. I asked “ i don’t get you “.she asked confusedly “ put on your clothes and leave”. I ordered her “ what,we just had s*x “. She said. let me rest a little bit I scoffed. really,you offered your body to me and I am done with it”. I yelled “ Get out”.i barked She stood up from the bed, wore her clothes and ran out of the room.... Sofia POV I sat in the class thinking of my Shayne, how he gazed at me. He was so handsome I thought about his friendly smile and his song.... Sofia, Betty called . It is time to go home. Didn’t you hear the bell?. She asked “ oh, I must have been lost in thought”. I said She patted my shoulder “ it will be alright “. She said I smiled , she thought I was thinking about my predicaments, she never knew I was thinking about Shayne “ let’s go home”. She said and we both headed home.. * * I got to Mrs Todd house and began working as usual. “ Sofia “. She called “ can you be chanced this weekend”. She asked, I have got a job for you . She said “Which kind of Job?”. I asked “ I received a huge contract today and I want you to be among my waitress”. She said Mrs Todd owns a catering business ... “ I will do it “. I said, I really need the money “ Good”. She said . On Saturday is Shayne’s birthday.. “ Shayne “ I cut her short I will do it , I will do it , I will do it.i repeated excitedly.. It seems someone is already in love with Mr rude TBC
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