Can this be love ?

567 Words
Shayne POV * I woke up really late the next morning, it was a Sunday morning. I guess it was because of the stress I turned to look at the girl and she was still fast asleep. I stared at her “ Damn, why must I r**e her”. I thought I went to freshen up in the bathroom and I was surprised to see her already awake when I got out “ Good morning Sir”. She greeted I nodded as I stared at her “ she is really cute.... * * I headed downstair And the maids were cleaning up the table I guess they have all eaten “Morning son”. My mum greeted as she saw me “ Morning Mum”. I replied I looked at my adopted dad and I nodded towards him ignoring my step sisters “ I will ask the maid to make the table for you and your wife”. My mum said “ is she still asleep?”. My mum asked “No”. I said , she will be here soon And immediately I saw her coming down the stairs She was putting on a short blue gown “f**k”. She looked hot, I must confess. I was lost staring at her and only looked away when her gaze met mine . . The maids set the table for both of us and I noticed she was having difficulty making use of the fork and knife “ you can make use of your spoon”. I told her “Really”. She asked I nodded and immediately she starting eating with her spoon I smiled as I watched her She looked innocent... ** After eating , I headed to my room to have a quiet time when the door opened and she walked in .. “ can’t I have my privacy”. I yelled “ I am sorry sir”. She apologised panicking “ whenever you want to come in, make sure you knock”. I told her “ yes, I will”. She said. I will go back and knock”. I smirked “ you do that next time”. I said as I left the room * * I drove to Ben’s place ,I just wanted to cool off.. I got to his place and I saw him with three ladies. He was a player like me “ Shayne”. He called as soon a saw me “Ben”. I greeted him and the three ladies with him were all excited “ what is wrong?”. He asked “ Nothing much”. I told him just want to Cool off He smiled “ you can cool if with this”. He said handing me one of the girls “ Sure”. I said The girl came towards me and started twerking on me, I started Kissing her and was about to take off her b*a when i suddenly stopped.. “I can’t do this “. I muttered “ what is wrong?”. Ben asked staring at me “I can’t do it “ why”. He asked in surprise “ I am married”. I said leaving the place with Ben staring at me in surprise..... * * I got home late at night, I went to my manager place after leaving Ben’s place . We talked about music all through The whole place was quiet when I entered and I guess everyone was asleep I walked into my room and she was asleep I stared at her face and I noticed the tears mark “ Damn, she had been crying”. I brushed the hair from her face, watching her as she sleeps till I slept off Hmmmm, what is wrong with Shayne TBC
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