
1161 Words
Shayne POV * * I watched Sofia solve a mathematics question. I chuckled when I noticed she was getting it all wrong.. “ you made a mistake here”. I told her She looked at me and looked back at her work “ can you please help me with it?”. She asked “ you could have asked that earlier instead of solving nonsense “. I said , I took the pen from her and solved it correctly “ here”, that is it”. She widened her eyes in surprise “ awesome”. “ can you help me with this one”. She asked bringing another one “What?. I asked , “ please”. She said “ fine”: I said as I helped her with it.. “Help me with one more”. She begged “ what”. She looked at me with a baby face that made me laughed “ ok fine, come closer I will explain the equation to you so you can solve the remaining yourself “. I said I explained the equation to her and I was glad she understood it “ what a brilliant child”. I said teasing her.. * * I watched her as she slept, i caressed her cheek and gave her a light peck on her lips... I thought about Lexy, I pray she gets rid of that bastard so I can be finally free “ Shayne”.Sofia mumbled in her sleep I chucked, I never knew she sleep talk I drew her close to me and soon drifted off to sleep.... * * Sofia POV * I felt a hand around me when I woke up. I smiled when I saw Shayne beside me. He was still asleep I leaned over to him and pecked him. He was very caring this days and I pray he continues to be the same.. I wanted to kiss him again when I noticed he was already awake “ Good morning”. I greeted “ hi”. He said “ hope you sleep well?”.I asked him Sure he said I went to the bathroom to freshen up and was surprised when Shayne came to join me in the bathroom I stood there staring at him in shock “ what?”. He asked , I shook my head I felt his eyes roam over my body He took off his clothes and was soon stark naked I stared at his manhood it was so huge I closed my eyes immediately, I was shy he chuckled as he came closer to me “ I will wait till you are ready”. He whispered in my ears and went into the bathtub to bath I just stood there speechless * * I dressed up for school and headed to the dinning to eat my breakfast “ Good morning”. I greeted Shayne sisters “ morning Sofia”. They greeted “ Sofia”. Clara called , what exactly did you do to my brother?”. She asked I looked at her with a confused look “ I mean he is becoming nicer and I think it is because of you”. She tried explaining “ what are you ladies discussing”. Shayne asked climbing down the stairs “ Nothing, Just girls stuff”. She said He nodded “ I will see you in the evening”. He said to me and left “ can you see that”. Clara suddenly asked, Shayne is now becoming friendly . “ how was he like before”. I asked “ There was only a little difference between him and the devil”. She said chuckling...... Lexy POV * How dare he ridicule me, I could not believe he would ask me to abort .. I was shocked when I heard the marriage ceremony between Shayne and a nobody. I thought I will be able to make him mine by offering my body but I was so wrong.. What I saw in his eyes was hatred towards me but there might still be chance to get him to love me if I try I will do anything to make Shayne be mine I will do anything possible to make him love me...... * * Sofia POV * I got to school and was surprised to see everywhere under construction.. “ I guess the government have finally agreed to renovate our school”. I thought I saw Tina coming out of a class and called her. She smiled and ran towards me excitedly “ I have been waiting for you for so long”. She queried “ I am sorry”. I apologised “ did Shayne delay you with love making”. She asked “ stop it”. I said blushing “ he is your husband after all , it is a normal thing for both of you”. She said “What is going on here?”. I suddenly asked changing the topic “ I heard someone donated a huge sum of money to the school, we even have complete equipment in the laboratory and also more books in the library”. She explained to me “ wow, the person must be so rich”. I exclaimed A junior suddenly walked over to us “Sofia, the principal needs you in his office”. She said “ what?”. The principal, what did I do wrong ?” * * I walked to the principal office in fear and knocked “ who is there?”. He asked “ Sofia “. I replied “ you can come in”. He said I walked in and I was shocked to see his office well furnished “ Good morning Sir “. I greeted “Morning Sofia”. He responded smiling “You sent for me sir”. I said “ yes dear, I want you to thank Shayne for the donation “ Shayne”. “ yes, Shayne your husband, he gave the school a huge amount of money and I know it is because of you”. He said “ he wanted it to be a secret but I felt I should let you know”. He explained “ okay sir, I will do as you say”. I said as I left the office Shayne did all this because of me........... Shayne POV * I got back home and the whole house was quiet, I guessed no one was at home I headed upstair to my room and laid on the bed.. My manager reminded me about the award night that will hold this weekend, I almost forgot about it I decided to listen to music when my phone suddenly rang, it was an unknown number . “ hi”. I said immediately I picked it up “ Shayne”. a female voice chimed in, it was the voice of that b***h Lexy “ I thought I warned you never to call me”. I asked reminding her “Shayne please I love you and remember I am the mother of your unborn child.... I ended the call in anger “What have I gotten myself into?”. It was just a one time sex I was really confused and wanted to forget about everything even if is for a night I brought out my drugs and was about injecting it when Sofia walked in “ Shayne”. She called, what are you doing? I was expecting her to condemn or be scared of me but she walked up to me , collected the injection from me and hugged me “ it will be alright”. She said “It will be alright”. She repeated I hugged her back and immediately felt relieved................. Awww see love What is wrong with that Lexy TBC
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