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Shayne POV * “ Are you ready?”. My manager asked me I nodded “Just pretend you are in love with her, it is that simple”. he said I was on my way to the commoner house, I need to introduce myself to her mother * We drove quietly to her home , I was getting bored with all of this but I had no choice. We soon got the house and I was irritated with what I saw “ is she this poor?”. I asked “ behave yourself Shayne”. My manager warned We got down from the car and a little girl ran to welcome us “ Shayne”. She called , I am a huge fan of yours I managed to smile “What is your name?”. I asked bending to her height “ Bella”. She replied beaming I ruffled her hair and she held my hands as she led me to the house * * We walked into the room and I was really surprised “ do humans live in this kind of house”. I thought, there was nothing except three beds , a table and a chair “ f**k”. What have I gotten myself into”. I thought Just then my bride to be came in, she was putting on a patched faded gown She looked at me and smiled shyly “Sir Shayne”. She called “ where is your mother?”. I asked “ she is coming”. She said. Just then a woman on wheelchair came in wheeling her chair “ what the f**k”. I cursed silently, I never knew she was a crippled, no one told me that I stood up to greet the woman and she smiled warmly “ Shayne”. My daughter told me about everything, you are welcome I gave her a fake smile “ my daughter loves you , pls treat her right”. She said I nodded “ I give you both my blessings”. She said “ when will the wedding take place?”. She asked “ Next week, it will be a small wedding”. I replied. Only families are welcomed She nodded “ what can I offer you?”. She asked “ we are okay”. My manager replied “ we will get going ma”. I said as I stood up “ ok dear”. She said We bowed as we left the house with Bella tagging along “Can I get a hug?”. She asked I smiled as I hugged her “ take me away from this place”.she said , I really don’t like here “ sure I will, I don’t like it either”. I said I smiled at her “ such a smart kid”. I thought * We drove home silently. I was lost in thought. How did I get myself in this ?i thought “ Shayne”. My manager called “ what should we do about Sofia,s family?”. He asked “ sign one of my mansion in her mother’s name”. I said “ a mansion?”. He asked in surprise I nodded She is my bride after all...... * * Sofia POV * * I was still surprised that Shayne will be mine, who would have believe that he will agree to marry me.. I watched as he hugged Bella and I felt happy “ I hope he loves me”. I thought His manager told me he is marrying me because he wants to keep me close, but I don’t mind . I just want to be close to him.. It was little bit difficult convincing my mum, i had to tell her the whole truth She was very mad and wanted me out of the deal but I explained to her how much I wanted that “ I don’t want you sacrificing your happiness because of us”.she said “ I am not sacrificing my happiness”. I told her . This is my happiness She soon gave in and I know it took a lot of courage to be friendly with Shayne when he came I confided in Tina and she wished she was the one who was r***d. How funny I was still lost in thought when some men with suit walked into the compound “Hi, we are here to see Mrs Regan”. “ she is my mother”. I said “ oh, you must be Sofia, Shayne’s bride?”. They asked I nodded They gave me an envelope “ give this to your mother”. They said and left “ mom”. I called , there is a letter for you I went over to her and gave her the letter She took the letter and Open in “Sofia”. She called with tears in her eyes “ mother , what is it?”. I asked “ Sofia”. She called again with her hands shaking Shayne Just gift is a Mansion “ what!”. I exclaimed in surprise Is this what being the bride of Mr Popular brings........ * * We got to the new house and I gasp in awe “ is this truly ours”. Bella asked I nodded Mother was staring speechlessly I can’t believe it , I can’t she said with tears in her eyes “ Shayne, I am loving you more”. I muttered to myself * Shayne POV * News about my marriage went viral as my mum and manager made sure it circulated . I thought about the commoner, how will I cope living with her? How I wish I was not in d**g, how I was I never r***d her............ Shayne actually have a nice side... TBC
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