We both stay silent for a long, long while. It's painful, hard, and sad. I can feel his anger, his sorrow, and I'm a crying mess. All those emotions... Everything I had kept buried deep, bottled inside, contained in a tiny box I didn't have to think about, finally opened, spilled and stained everything. It's ugly, and it's painful like broken glass piercing my skin, my heart. I just can't stop crying. I hate myself for crying so loudly now, but I can't contain it. I tried hard not to think about it, but it's... It's just... "Rick, I'm so sorry," I keep crying. "I... I..." I watch him, his head down, I can't even see his face anymore. I wish he'd just say something, even if it's to insult me, berate me, call me whatever he wants. I've never been so scared, but it would at least relieve