Chapter 46 : Small Kiss

1336 Words

At the end of the day, despite riding around with Scarlett, Laurel was still a stranger to the Crimson Pack. It might take months or even years for her to become used to the streets of Crimson Pack. Laurel was going to do her best, though. Laurel didn't immediately go to bed after dinner. She opened a certain cabinet in the walk-in closet and pulled out the duffle bag that had been recently stuffed in. Staring at the bad that appeared out of place in the closet, she had a lot of emotions flooding her heart. There weren't any good thoughts. All of them ranging from her bad childhood to an even worse adulthood. Fragments of memories of Max were squeezed in at some point. Lips pinched together, she opened the zip and pulled out her phone. It was dead, like the other night. Rummaging throu

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