Chapter 70 : Problems

1039 Words

So much for being unromantic and inexperienced. If Laurel had to review, she'd say Darius was pretty good at everything; his words and actions tossed out all the cautious in the air. For the first time, Laurel saw his unrestrained sight. He was slowly but surely pushing her to the edge. Looking, waiting, observing to see exactly when Laurel had enough. At some point Laurel started to get dizzy from his kisses and Darius stopped on his own accord. Only to start again in a few minutes time. It was a break he provided to her. But the beast had to be satisfied. If they were not going any further, then kisses had to do. Laurel had a feeling that she'd dug a pit for herself. Now that they'd unlocked another step in their relationship, she feared that kisses and private times were going to

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