Chapter Four-3

2004 Words

Beth was blushing furiously but eventually managed to answer. “I- we- don’t do anything like that. But I guess I do have a couple of books and DVDs about it...” Claire frowned as she thought. If Vine had let himself in and found these it was possible he could have acted on this alone but it was pretty thin and she couldn’t see Mrs Anwar having a stash of DVDs anywhere. She was still convinced his methods were more thorough. However it was good news that Beth was a submissive at heart and even better that she didn’t practise it as it meant Claire may be able to tempt her with the chance to fulfil her hidden desires. She realised again that the tingle in her groin was already growing and starting to dictate matters once more. “The thing is, Beth, I don’t have anything to link him to being

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