#9 - Come With Me

1319 Words
Maxith! It was him, her Maxith. His growl. Irabel heard it. Possessive in every way, there was no mistaking it. "Oh God!" She leaned back on the closed door to her room, hands shaking. How cruel could the moon goddess be? Mating her with her murderer? Was it all a game or a punishment for a sin that she could not atone for? Her body shook with anger at the goddess and herself. How could she have even considered running after him? Irabel's heart had surprisingly ached when he had walked out of the pack house while she cleared up the mess she had made. And for a split second she had felt like going after him, but thank the stars for the memories that surfaced and the ensuing rage that kept her from indulging in such madness. "You have to get back in there." Her mother, who had followed her from the pack house, spoke from the other side of the door. "I c-can't." "Baby, I don't know what really happened in there, but please don't give Ella a reason to hurt you again." There was panic in her mother's voice and Irabel knew that if she could serve those drinks on her behalf, the woman would have done it already. "Ella can do whatever the hell she wants with me." Struggling within herself, Irabel folded her hands into fists but the shaking wouldn't stop and neither would the sick feeling in her stomach. Between the pack house and their room, a part of her seemed to have forgotten who Maxith was and wanted nothing but to head back and face him once more. But not for the most obvious or logical reason one would face the man that had rejected her and slit her throat right after. What is wrong with me? His delicious scent and the intensity in his eyes were haunting her. Maxith had never looked at her like that. What had changed? Did he even know that it was her? Was he drawn to her or to Irabella? How did this whole coming back from the dead thing work? Irabel needed to figure that part out, fast. A loud knock on the door jolted her out of her thoughts and she had barely steered clear of the way before the ancient piece of wood flew open. Irabel expected to face a furious Ella, but the figure that walked through the door looked nothing like the alpha's wicked daughter. He was tall and muscular, just as she remembered him. Just as she liked him. "Maxith…" Irabel wanted to run to him, but she took a few steps back. Her logical part of the brain chose that particular moment to begin functioning again and she was grateful. "T-These are private quarters and I don't remember inviting you in." Apparently, she found her voice too and chose to use it to remind her supposed mate of his bad manners. Why was he even here? Maxith only curled an eyebrow at her before shifting his focus to the less than glamorous quarters Irabel was defending. She watched as his calm look turned into furious glares the more he took in the sight of the room. "Is this supposed to house a human being?" His tone was colder than a cold winter's night and a silent sigh escaped Irabel's lips when she realized it wasn't directed at her. "It is as I said, your highness..." Their pack's alpha appeared in the doorway to explain something but whatever he said floated right past Irabel's ears. Her mind was stuck on how her alpha addressed Maxith. Your highness. She sank to her uncomfortable bed, heart aching more than those bruises that covered her entire body. He was the king. Maxith had taken over her father's title and was gladly parading himself as the legitimate king. What of Belmont? What had become of her kingdom? Her people? Had life gone on like nothing had happened at all? "Come with me." Sparks erupted on her skin, making her fix her eyes at the source of the sweet tingling sensations. Maxith had his hand on hers and as much as she wanted to relish the sweet contact, she couldn't. "No." Irabel pulled her hand back and held onto the edge of her bed instead, making sure to ignore that part of her that wanted nothing but to do his every bidding. "Excuse me?!" Irabel flinched at the growl that left Maxith's mouth. That cold tone was now definitely directed at her. That and his furious gaze that threatened to swallow her whole. "I said no." Afraid to look up at him and get lost in his blazing eyes, she kept her head down the entire time. Irabel expected some form of instant punishment for her disobedience, either from Maxith or her pack's alpha, but after a couple of seconds of silence she hesitantly looked up. Her eyes landed on her alpha's stunned face and Maxith's blank one. That was a first. Since when did he ever hold back? "What he meant to say was that this is not up for debate. This inspection is over and you will leave with him. Unless you prefer the entire pack to be punished for all they've done to you." The man who had pulled Maxith out of the pack house earlier spoke casually, but his threat was very real. "Have you been hurt?" Maxith suddenly turned to her, concern written all over his face. "What's it to you if I live in misery every waking day, your majesty?" Irabel snapped. She did not want him looking at her like that. He was worse than them all and she was not going to be fooled into believing he cared even one bit. "So you've been hurt?" "Of course she hasn't. My father treats everyone equally here. Even the scum of the earth." A convincing smile accompanied the alpha's daughter's lies as she walked in through the door. "And if you are done here, my offer still stands." Irabel glared at the witch's hand that drew patterns on his chest. A clean chop would leave her satisfied, but Irabel shoved her barbaric thoughts aside and turned to Maxith. "Perhaps you should take up her offer because I don't wish to go anywhere with you...Sir." "I didn't ask to be spoken for, you cow!" Ella glared at her before Maxith could get a single word out. "I'm surprised she talks at all." One of Ella's minions scoffed, making Irabel notice that almost their entire pack had been watching and listening in on them. "Well, I'm not surprised that she has no manners at all. Forgive me alpha and trust me, she'll be punished for this insult." A possessive growl ripped through the entire room and before Irabel realized, Ella was dragged out in one swift motion, while Maxith's man followed the duo right after, curses escaping his lips. "Have you gone mad?" Irabel's mother cupped her cheeks the moment she appeared in front of her. "Why would you open your mouth when you know that it would only bring you nothing but trouble?" "Because I refuse to go anywhere with that murderer." "Irabel!" Her mother looked like she was about to pass out, no doubt knowing everyone heard what Irabel had to say. "How can you call him a murderer?" "Because that's what he is, he killed my…" Irabel froze when she realized what she was about to say. "I mean he killed all those people just so he could grow his territory." "Did you take your concoction today?" Her mother frowned at her. "I may have forgotten." Irabel lied through her teeth but anything but the truth would do to keep her mother off her case. "He'll be able to protect you." "I don't want his protection, mother. I don't want anything to do with him. Except kill him."
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