#19 - Thirsty

1708 Words
"What the hell was that?! " Romaldo struggled to contain the burst of attraction that had knocked the hell out of him the moment Irabel responded to Dante's greeting. She'd practically transformed into a perfect princess so effortlessly, she left him both mesmerized and thirsty, with his blood pumping at an insane speed even for an alpha. He gripped the edge of his office table hoping to release some of that tension. It didn't do a damn thing. He was thirsty for that gentle flower that had bloomed in a flash right before his eyes. Just the way he liked them…gentle but confident. In that moment there were no traces of the shy abused omega he'd fished out of her former pack. If he didn't know better, he'd think she wasn't one and the same person, but a pure bred royal. But that couldn't be right. He knew all the royals in the kingdoms near and far. Allies and enemies alike. None of those kingdoms were missing a princess, so even if her past was unknown, her being a princess was not a possibility. Or was it? "You have a problem on your hands." Didn’t Romaldo know it already? Gripping the table harder, he swore at how careless he had been. He had practically abandoned his fiancée for Irabel, putting the delicate agreement between Vieva's kingdom and his territory at risk. But the funny thing was, despite the trouble that would come his way because of it, he felt no regrets. Almost as if that was what he was meant to do or be. Regardless of the bond, he wanted to be by her side. And damn if he was going to let any wolf charm her in any way. "What do you want Dante?” For flirting with Irabel, Romaldo hissed at his long time friend turned family. Having been his father's friend and Romaldo’s mentor since childhood, their relationship evolved after his father passed, becoming friends and eventually family. Dante was like a father figure as much as he was a strong ally. "Are you just going to sit there and say nothing?"Romaldo sneered when no answer came. The man only stared at him thoughtfully. Romaldo hated that. It was equal to being judged by this man he held in high esteem. "What has got you scared?" "I'm fear itself, old man."Romaldo scoffed, knowing he held the bragging rights to that effect. "That may be, but I know my own son. So out with it." A warmth flooded Romaldo's heart at that fatherly display of love and he fought the urge to lay bare his soul. He fought the need to want to expose all the cracks Irabel had made in what he thought was a perfect armor. "It's nothing. Why are you here?" "I could've sworn that pretty face is new. Who is she?" Dante stubbornly stayed on his interrogation course. Eyes scrutinizing Romaldo's every move and reaction, reading between the lines to get to the truth. "It's just someone I took in because she was being abused at her old pack."Romaldo got up to pour them a drink. "No one knows who she is. Apparently she just happened to appear in that pack too. She was taken in, because who doesn't want someone to clean after them?" He spoke nonchalantly, but the curious look on Dante's face when he turned back to him showed that the man saw through everything, as always. "You could let her at me and Beth. We might just pick up something you couldn't." That was true. Dante and his wife Elizabeth had some of the most insane observation skills that proved useful in reading most of his enemy's intentions. All it took was a simple invitation to dinner or a party at their mansion for them to shred those masks over simple conversations. But Irabel was no enemy. So this selfless offer only meant one thing and left him with the bigger question. Did he want them meddling? "I don't want to impose–" "Nonsense,” Dante waved him away. "You know my Beth, she would jump at the simplest of reasons to get busy in her kitchen." And my possible second chance mate is not so simple. "Can I suggest a theme this time around?" "You? That's odd, why?” Dante’s brows drew together. "Just curious about something." "That would be a small price to pay for dragging you out to the mansion, I guess." "Great!"Romaldo lifted his glass to his lips while excitement bubbled. If this dinner went according to plan, he would know one more thing about Irabel. Or maybe so much more if Dante and Beth got their way. Visibly happy with getting his way, Dante took a more serious position as he normally would when they talked about pack and kingdom business. "That aside, there is a little matter called Belmont.” "I told you before that I don’t care what Maxith does with it." Romaldo growled. The mere mention of that kingdom's name roused enough anger in him to lose control. Too much of his heartache came with that kingdom and the further he stayed away from it, the better for him, his territory and his heart. "Perhaps you should." “And why is that?” he growled, hating being forced into discussing the matter further. "Because your brother is planning to offer the same deal you were going to offer at the next council gathering." Romaldo scoffed. "Him and what territory?" "He’s done pretty well for himself, you know." Romaldo half listened to Dante. He was aware of how well Maxith had done for himself. Taking over Belmont, declaring himself as king and saving its people that had been left vulnerable after the death of its king and his entire family. Of course that success depended on which side of the kingdom's wall one was standing and which version of events that led to it one had been told. "He may not have lands, but with powerful allies on his side, he might not need a territory after all. "I have both, he’s no match against me." "Maybe not. But when he goes around praising his baby brother, the successful alpha king, how that you are twins and share the same powerful blood line of the Ordovics, some are bound to incline their ears. As it has been lately." "He what?!" Romaldo was finally listening. His name on Maxith's lips was like a deadly venom that would eventually sting his insides. Especially if he was speaking well of him. "I have a feeling, he’s been preaching his innocence and how he has forgiven his brother for slaughtering his future in-laws." The bastard! Romaldo ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He knew he could never trust his brother, but he had hoped that regarding the events of that fateful day, Maxith would have the decency to honor his own words and protect his family…protect him for once. "Going by the look on your face, I'm guessing this was unexpected?" "The bastard swore never to speak of it. But of course, he's Maxith." Romaldo let out a bitter chuckle. "Honour means nothing to him." "What would you have me do?" "For now? Get ready to be an insane host as usual and if you don't mind, apart from suggesting a theme, I would like to extend invitations to a few of my trusted friends." "Done,” Dante beamed before arching an eyebrow. "So about the pretty lady, when are you going to accept her as your mate?" Of course he'd figured it out, but Romaldo refused to confirm anything. "Drop it." Suddenly plagued by the urge to be by Irabel's side, Romaldo got up. "I'll see you out." "I see.” Dante flashed him his mischievous grin as he followed suit. "She would be perfect in my opinion." "Well, no one is asking for your opinion old man."Romaldo gestured him towards the door. "My regards to Beth. Tell her I look forward to gracing your home with my presence.” He meant it, more than he realized and as he walked towards Irabel, something fluttered in his belly. What would she look like hanging onto his arm as he went round introducing her to everyone that mattered. When he stepped out of the castle, Irabel stood by the door to the car, apparently laughing at something Ken had said. The sight left him wanting to tear his own beta apart, but it also made him make a stark comparison between Irabel and his fiancée. Vieva would never do that. She would never talk so freely with someone she considered lower than her. "Perhaps that was because Irabel still thought she was below Ken,” he thought. But suddenly a little creature barreled into her and Romaldo watched with intense curiosity as Irabel, instead of getting mad as Vieva would, came eye level to the child that was apparently…crying? She spoke a few comforting words that were followed by a reward of a big hug. As big as any child could manage anyway, but it was enough for him to realize that rank had nothing to do with anything. She was a natural at this, reminding him of Amelie. He froze at the thought, and Irabel chose that particular moment to turn to him and for the first time flashed him her perfect smile that left him weak at the knees. He didn't even know they did that anymore. With the armor around his heart savored in so many places now, he stomped over to the car before things got worse. And by worse it meant him giving in to the intense urge to crash his lips on hers right there and then, thereby declaring to the whole pack that she was his and their luna. But as tempting as that was, it would be foolish of him and he would put her in danger, so he aimed for the car's open door instead. "Get in." Barely holding on to his resolve, Romaldo fought the urge to reach for Irabel's hand and pulling her into the car along with him. This was going to be a long ride…
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