Chapter 14-3

2002 Words

One hand releases me to latch my thigh and pull me up the bed so it’s around his waist, grinding our pelvises together. He maneuvers over me, his body weight pressing down, and our groins rammed snugly against one another. I can feel everything, my body sizzling with the sensations and my breath shallow and fast. Passion ignited fully as his hands and arms cage my head and my own fingers, cupping his jaw, pull him closer. Mouths fully intertwined with his stubble grazing my soft face. Hell! I know where this will head, in the darkness, escalating the way it is. Our bodies moving against each other in the first throes of foreplay. I know I won’t have the strength to say no or stop it. He’s causing cravings I have never experienced; a low, deep, throbbing heat and the desire to have him sa

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