Chapter 7-1

2150 Words

Chapter 7I’m sitting across from Jake in Eleven Madison Park, a bustling popular restaurant, his current favorite place to eat and watching him mess with his cell while we wait on our food. “Jake?” I interrupt gently. “Emma?” He responds without looking up. He’s deliberately being evasive. “The Hunter merger?” My curiosity has been niggling all the way here and I have been extremely patient. He sighs and looks down at his cell, puts it inside his jacket, bringing his steady green gaze back to me. His face unreadable. “My father and Hunter are not what you would call the best of friends anymore,” he mumbles quietly. Sighing that he can’t avoid this any longer. “Anymore?” I repeat flatly. “Yes, Emma, anymore. They used to be as close as Daniel and I.” He leans back, sliding down into h

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