Chapter 14

2994 Words

Paityn's POV: It's been three days since I packed my things and left Isaiah's parent's house. I'm actually back at the apartment going through everything and packing what I want to keep. My sister, Desiree, came up to help. The first day I came back was the hardest. Everything here reminds me of him. Sometimes I get pissed off at him for what he was doing to those children and I grab something of his and I throw it across the room. Other times I would sit in the middle of the floor and bawl my eyes out as I remembered our early memories when we were dating or when we were first married. A few times I would just sit somewhere or lay in the bed and try to think what caused our marriage to fall apart. I think it started to fall apart over a year ago but I didn't want to give up so I

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