Chapter 30

2930 Words

Paityn's POV:     The next morning, as always, I was up before my alarm.  Most days, I normally was. I think it was always my need to run that got me out of bed and now that I'm starting back up with it again, I was up and raring to go.     Anthony was still in bed, sound asleep when I slowly crawled out of bed.  We were up a little late last night. He never did talk to me outside or the rest of the night.  I didn't talk to him either and even though there was no conversation between the two, I knew that he wasn't angry with me.  I knew that he heard my apology and that he had accepted it.  That was enough for me.     I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of running spandex and a sports bra.  I walked into the bathroom and started to get changed.  I was still a little on th

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