Chapter 16

2834 Words

Anthony's POV: I don't think I've ever felt this guilty in my life for killing someone. I had no idea when I took that job that the target was Paityn's husband. I didn't start to think there was a possibility of it till I saw that my target lived in the same building. I mean, seriously! What are the odds of my target being the husband of the one I took interest in? I mean really! This city has over eight million people. The odds are so slim that I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would be killing her husband. Plus a woman like her should never be with a man who has a mafia after him. I don't normally do this, but I contacted the best-known hacker in the world, Jaxson Kendricks, to pull information for me. In case you aren't familiar with him, he is highly known in

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