Chapter 2 - Pressure

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Chapter 2 Shoe-less and long traveled, with eyes and teeth just this side of beastly, he took one look at Brandon sighed and leaned against the frame of the doorway. "So How is it...?" The Guardian began to ask him, his eyes, slit and feral, traveled across Brandon's face. "That I'm the one who's been out in the wilderness, hunting and eating thin air. While you...You look like you're the one who's about to fall over from starvation?" A clawed fingertip reached out and gently brushed a string of hair back from Brandons right ear sending a ridiculous ripple of awareness straight to his spine. The act of leaning on the door frame brought him nearly face to face with Brandon so that the ever present scent of pine that clung to him was easy to catch as well as the smell of soil and sweat. The rumble of his voice....the slight hiss that tried to undercut his words....even the grace of his eyes....Brandon was instantly caught up in it all, like a shot of sugar to his system, a wealth of relief and happiness tried to grow. "Your back!?" Brandon found himself starting to say, with a small smile, which Ezekiel returned and it was in that moment that Brandon caught himself, dropped the smile and steeped back from him. Shaking his head and letting the door swing open slightly as he released the knob. Instantly he realized that if the Guardian had returned...then the hunt was over. "Why are you back? What happened!? Did you kill the Ghouls!?" Brandon asked him sharply. Seemingly not put off by the quick change in Brandon's tone or facial expression Ezekiel c****d an eyebrow at him. "I'm pretty sure I asked you a question first." He said. "Mom says you've been without food for a few days now. Are you sick?" Brandon tossed up his hand. He was far more interested in the results of the Guardians hunt for the Ghouls just then. Not worried for food or what Ezekiel thought of him not eating. "I'm fine. I just didn't want to eat." He supplied superficially, then tilted his head at Ezekiel expectantly. "Now are you going to answer my question? What happened with the Ghouls?" Once more Ezekiel looked at his face and sighed, but apparently deciding to drop the issue of food he stood up off of the door frame and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, displacing the golden hair at his nape so that it fell forwards as he tilted his head and appeared to crack his neck. "So you just didn't want to eat for three days? Ok. I don't know what to do with you sometimes....." he said softly, side stepping Brandon's question without any hesitation. Then for a second his gaze slipped over to the door that hung open. "On a side note, you know... you could invite me in, especially if you're just going to interrogate me for information." At that suggestion Brandon fought not to flinch or roll his eyes. He had literally spent the last three days in that room, all alone, in isolation, unfit to be around any other living being and Ezekiel just wanted to waltz into his space...a space where Glen, his own mother, had almost met her end....multiple times. The Guardians proximity may have secretly made Brandon giddy, but the shame....and guilt of what Brandon wanted to do would remain. Standing on the other side of that thresh hold was as close as Ezekiel need to be to a monster like him....not in Brandon's room. "I'm not inviting you in Ezekiel....I don't have to." Brandon rebuffed, with as cold of a tone as he could muster. Then getting an idea of what Ezekiel was doing Brandon gestured at him. "Why are you ignoring my questions? Can't you tell me what's going on?" With a heavy yawn, that showed off all six of the fangs that Ezekiel was still sporting he sighed and this time Brandon caught how slowly his eyes opened and closed. "Well for one, I'm not really supposed to be discussing Guardian business with you, or anyone outside of the Mansion for fear of starting rumors or a panic." Ezekiel responded as the yawn tampered off. He shook his head slightly then chuckled. "But since you need to know what happened, considering that its going to effect the Lock Down, I guess I'll give you a few details....But in exchange I need to lay down before I pass out on my feet." And with that Ezekiel brushed past him, pushed the bed room door open and walked right into the room. Actually afraid to reach out and stop the Shifter physically, after struggling with the flame...Brandon stepped back, then shouted at the Guardians back in frustration. "Hey Ezekiel! GET OUT!" "Uh No." Ezekiel easily replied, uncaring of how his presence was like honey and burning oil. Undeniably Sweet, but also a coat of light and warmth that Brandon found hard to tolerate. "And if you don't want my father to hear might want to stop shouting my name." Brandon wanted to gripe at him, but not waiting for a response....Ezekiel walked further into the room and unceremoniously flopped face down into the made up pillows and covers, rumpling the entire spread. A flare of surprise ran down Brandon's back as Ezekiel let out a long drawn out hiss that he buried in the pillow, as he moaned in exaggerated relief. "GOD THIS IS HEAVEN. I LOVE BEDS. ARENT BEDS WONDERFUL!!" Then Ezekiel grew still and silent. His breathing slow and steady as he took a load off that Brandon realized may have been his first in nearly a week. A pang of sympathy over took the shock and frustration that remained as Ezekiels intrusion into his space registered. Brandon didn't doubt Ezekiels exhaustion or find it easy to ignore his kind behavior. Brandon knew that he worked hard for his father....and for his Clan...and though he was exhausted he was there, offering to give Brandon information he didn't have to give. So with a harsh swallow Brandon turned to the door, closed it slowly and made his way over to the now rumpled bed, where Ezekiel laid. "So...." He began to ask as he stopped at the edge of the bed, hesitating for a second and feeling silly. "Out with it.....are you going to talk or sleep?" "In a minute..." Ezekiel just sighed and pressed his face into the covers, rubbing the fabric against himself in a way that made Brandon shiver, very aware of the fact that the beast was probably scenting him on the sheets. Brandon sighed as he forced himself to walk up and simply drop onto the edge of the mattress. Ezekiel was silent for a few seconds before he turned over on his back, fluffed a pillow behind is head and dropped back on it. The slit glowing eyes of a beast were gone now, just the soft blue gaze of a man looked him over, but his gaze was no less enchanting as the Guardian stretched out on Brandon's bed as if he had been there a thousand times before. "Hmm, did you know...?" Ezekiel asked with a small frown. "This bed smells nothing like you? What are you doing? Sleeping on the floor or something?" he chuckled in jest not knowing how close to the truth his words were. Not exactly wanting to answer that question Brandon rolled his eyes in frustration. "Ezekiel focus for me. Seriously or I'm kicking you out!" he said sharply. "Alright. Ill talk." Ezekiel smiled at the empty threat, then he grew sober as he put his head back and quickly closed his eyes. And without opening them again he proceeded to finally report on what had become of the Ghouls. "For starters....." He said a slight slur of exhaustion on his words. "The Hunt failed. We lost them Brandon. We lost their scent." "Oh." Instantly Brandon was happy that Ezekiels eyes were closed, so that he couldn't see the relief on Brandon's face. Ghouls were bad. Ghouls....were very strong and Hunting them or fighting them was dangerous. And if the Guardians hadn't had to go up against them, Brandon's conscious felt considerably lighter. Especially since the creatures were only there for him and would kill to get to him. He knew that they had killed already, to get to him. Shaking his head Brandon realized that Ezekiel had gone far too silent...and not wanting the Shifter to fall to sleep on him he asked him a more in depth question. "How...?" He began. "Ezekiel how did you lose them?" It took a moment, but Ezekiel blinked open his eyes and scoffed softly sounding disgusted. "The truth is...we never actually even got close to finding the damn beasts after they ran off the first time." He opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling then glancing thoughtfully over at Brandon. "I mean I think we sloughed half way to the mountains, which is about four days travel to the north of here in our Shifted forms, but we only got half way in that direction, before the blood trail we were following just stopped. It just went cold." "So you just lost the trail?" Brandon asked him next. Ezekiel smirked and put an arm over his eyes. The muscles in his upper body and arm flexed and Brandon was driven to distractions as his eyes wandered lustily down Ezekiel s long lean frame. He made himself stop as his eyes tried to settle on the front of Ezekiels jeans. "I didn't lose anything." He said softly, unaware of his gaze. "Tracking isn't exactly my forte Brandon. That's Walters's department. He's the king Tracker in this family. He lost the Trail, but he carried us farther then anyone else could have." Realizing that the next question had nothing to do with the Ghouls, or the Hunt, or even more importantly with the Lock Down, Brandon found himself asking it anyway. "Ok....So if Walter is the best tracker though....then what do the rest of you do and why did he lose the trail at all?" Ezekiel paused, then he said. "It's probably obvious by now that I'm...a hitter. I'm the fastest. I'm the most precise in hand to hand combat. Slice and dice mostly. I'm the muscle in the group, even more so than my father." A sharp image of Ezekiels face and claws covered in fresh gore as he tore in the Ghouls like an animal flashed across Brandon's mind, then faded away. A chill of unease tried to raise as he was once more remained that he was in proximity with a Shifter, a Reaver....that was capable of intense violence, at the drop of a hat. He shook it away as Ezekiel continued to talk. "On the other side..." Ezekiel continued slowly moving the arm over his eyes away for a second and opening his eyes. "Walter is the Master Tracker. It's uncanny but his mind is much sharper than his strength. while Nate is our tactical mind. He usually maps out things or simply notices stuff the rest of us wouldn't. While Lander is the wild card in the group. He can kick ass, and he's got a vicious mind, but he can do a lot of different things." Ezekiel stopped and laughed. "And my Dad is...really everything at once. From a tracker, to a hitter, to a tactician, and anything else you can think of. He's sort of a wild card my Mother. They've lived so long its not hard to see how strong they are." "So your Mom and Dad are basically super Leopards, is that what you mean?" Brandon wanted to scoff the question, but it came out sounding far too genuine and respectful. Maybe even awed. "Well they are the leaders of this Clan but......back to the Ghouls." Ezekiel sighed. His blue eyes clouded with distaste. "Suffice it to say the short of it is that we lost the trial, but far to the north we all split up and I did manage to find the wood that I stabbed one of the Ghouls with. It was just lying next to a patch of boulders. It was too risky to go climbing the mountains and hills, especially considering that we were leaving our home unguarded. So after that we turned back."  Ezekiel hissed softly and snapped his teeth. "It looks like they were spooked and fled up the hills and into the mountains for now. Hopefully the hunting up there keeps them occupied for a while. For now well regroup, check the damage and put together a funeral for Billy." This brought Brandon up short for a response for a good few seconds. He knew....he knew that the blood was on his hands. He knew that this was all his fault. But he had to play dumb and he hated himself for that. "Billy?" He asked, because he needed to. "The Shifter that went missing, right? You're holding a funeral?" "But we know he's not missing....He was killed." Ezekiel responded. Sounding like he was holding back a growl. "Were pretty sure that those things got him....He is gone." "Oh, I'm sorry." And he was. Brandon was sorry for a lot of things. Ezekiel shrugged, his blue eyes flashing with anger and pain, then he looked across the room to the window where sunlight danced across the curtains. "I'm just worried about his daughter, her name is Beth. She took the news pretty hard." Ezekiel said, softly imparting that information, unaware of how it tore at Brandon's heart to hear it. He also felt his chest fill with longing to comfort the Guardian in someway. The Shifter shook himself, yawned again and finished. "But in the end all we can do is let her mourn Billy and IF the Ghouls come back we wipe them out in his memory. But I have a feeling those monsters won't return, after that ass kicking." Brandon nodded and smiled softly in support, but he didn't responded past that. As Ezekiel, now more somber then exhausted, put an arm back over his eyes and laid down in silence. They WILL be back... Brandon silently ruminated. He knew that the Ghouls didn't get what they came for. But before they circle back, I'll get on the road and be long gone before the hounds get a chance to sniff me out again. It will be safer for the Leopards then too because they will follow me.... Brandon thought to himself, but he suddenly realized that the most important thing in the entire equation he still didn't know anything about. The Lock Down. What would become of the Lock Down now? And he looked over at Ezekiel knowing that he needed to ask, but for a long few seconds, maybe even a few minutes the words refused to form. Because he was too busy LOOKING at Ezekiel. From head to toe he filled the bed.....his scent, his tempting body, it drew Brandon's thoughts and his attention. Soft strong lips, tanned skin...and the smell of him. God the smell of him was irresistible. Fresh earth and pine, tinged with sweat that only made Brandon take a deep breath and put a hand to his pounding heart as he felt a trickle of arousal kick in. Until Ezekiel opened his eyes and caught him staring. Curious eyes glanced at his chest as if he could sense the quick cadence.  Ezekiel smirked and licked his lips. Their eyes locked and in the next second he sensed Ezekiel about to speak on his reaction and embarrassment and anxiety spurred Brandon to speak first. "UH since the Ghouls are gone now, can I leave the Clan Lands!?" He blurted the question into the world and held his breath, not realizing until it was out, all that it meant for him. It was here. The day that he headed out, and got back on the road was right before him....Already it was time to say goodbye. And that kind of hurt. No longer smirking Ezekiel lowered his arm completely and glanced at Brandon, staring into his eyes as if looking for something. Then with a little hesitation he said "Yes, you can leave now." "Really!? I can go..." Brandon asked him once more, finding himself growing uncomfortable beneath Ezekiels continued gaze. The Shifter cleared his throat then replied. "Not today, but the Lock Down had been scheduled to be raised on the last day of the Celebration, but I don't want you to...." Ezekiel stopped, closed his eyes cleared his throat again and continued. "You know you don't have to pack up and leave as soon as it's raised, right? No one here is going to mind if it takes you a few more days to collect yourself. Take your time..." "No....." Brandon responded quickly, feeling a heat on his skin. His throat felt dry and achy for no reason. His eyes stung as he continued to share the Leopards gaze. Why? He need to go. He had to go! Agitated Brandon cleared his throat and stood up off of the mattress. "I don't need to collect myself...the last day of the Celebration it is." He said softly then he glanced back at Ezekiel and asked him. "When is the last day of the Celebration anyway?" "A week from today." Ezekiel responded. Then he chuckled. To Brandon it sounded forced. "Jezz you'd think we had a germ from how fast you're trying to be rid of us." "So a week?" Brandon said pretending not to hear the last part. "Thanks that's great..." With a sigh that could have been anything from frustration to exhaustion Ezekiel nodded, and began to shift upwards off of the mattress. "No problem...." He said. An awkward pause prevailed where Brandon couldn't think of what to say or do....and Ezekiel quickly climbed up off of the bed and walked over to him. "All right, since you got what you need, I'm off on Patrols for today. I'll see you tonight, I think." Brandon let the Guardian brush past him and nodded at Ezekiel still unable to find a voice. Confused internally at what to do now. And at why he felt this painful pressure to say say anything. To make amends for his actions. Of course Brandon knew where the awkward silence was coming from. He felt the undercurrent of things unsaid. Things that' shouldn't have happened or even been talked about. A kiss. A s****l vision....or two, that he didn't really want to think about. But why had the same tension risen moments after he began speaking of leaving Brandon didn't quite understand. Why did he feel like had done something wrong? He could have left it alone.....but suddenly he felt like he was trapped under water and he had to speak so he did. He asked the first thing on his mind that he could choke out. "Wai...Wait, why are you going out on Patrol? I thought you were tired. You look so exhausted to me, don't you need to sleep." He said and pointed out. At this Ezekiel just rubbed at his chin and smiled slightly. His eyes heavy but gentle. "Well I am....but I still have to go out. I need to water the horses and various other chores are calling me out to the South Village. So I can't rest yet." "You need to rest though...your not superhuman." "Aww. Thats cute. You sound like you care about me..." Ezekiel chuckled, then he stopped and smirked, as Brandon opened his mouth, then closed it again. He felt like a fool. An awkward fool who was dancing around in circles, but Ezekiel just smirked and turned away. "Brandon, I've got to go. I'll see you tonight..." Once more Brandon should have let it go, but the prospect of remaining in the room until dinner, for the rest of the day.....rubbed something inside of him the wrong way. Or was it the unbearable pressure on his heart? Suddenly Brandon was walking behind Ezekiel to the door and another question had formed on his lips. "I could come with you to help. I mean...can I help you on patrols today? If its ok?" Ezekiel slowed at the door and turned back to him. His next words were as soft as the smile on his face as he steeped up to Brandon. He traced his face then looked down the front of his body. "Your pale and you haven't been eating. Besides you still have a hole in your stomach and not too many days ago your face and your neck...." He began to deny, but Brandon cut him off. "Ill eat before we go! My stomach is fine...and just look at my face. You can see that the glass didn't do much damage. They were all  shallow nicks...see." He said tilting up his chis so that the light would be on his face. To his shock, Ezekiel took this move as an invitation to reach out and take Brandon's face in his hands. Brandon tried not to shiver in shock and failed as Ezekiels soft palms, and fingertips danced across his cheeks and he tilted Brandon's head back to examine the cuts that remained on his cheek and neck from the glass exploding in his face. "Sorry...." Ezekiel said as he felt Brandon flinch, but he didn't stop holding him, instead he simply continued to examine the cuts. Cuts that now looked far smaller and far less gruesome then they had nearly four nights ago. Not only because Brandon had washed all the blood away, but because his body, his flame, had nearly healed the cuts before had Brandon managed to stop it. Apparently seeing nothing that alarmed him, Ezekiel caught Brandon off guard when he smiled at him fully and softly. "Well, I think you're okay. Just try to take it easy...your still healing." Ezekiel told him as a thumb, feather light and warm, danced a solitary circle on Brandon skin on the side of his pulse. A silken touch that made Brandon shiver involuntarily and try to turn away. The touch lasted for only a moment more, before Ezekiel finally pulled away. "If you take it slow and steady, you'll be pretty well off by time the Celebration closes in a week." With a slight hesitation Ezekiel turned and steeped towards the door. "Alright. Let's got to patrol together, but first let's take a stop off in the kitchen." The warmth of his touch remained. The trickle of awareness in his heart and the awkward silence between them didn't fade. But with the days till his freedom counting down and food on the horizon Brandon tried to focus on anything but the Shifter walking beside him. Or the secret need inside of him. The enemies behind him. Or the uncertainty waiting before him.
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