Chapter 6 - Sensual Unraveling

1524 Words

Chapter 6 The previous night had found Ezekiel far out in the darkness of the Pine woods. Still miles away from home, frustrated, and exhausted after days of fruitless hunting Ezekiel , his brothers and their father had decided to call it a night, each of them separately curling up around a lumpy clearing, where thick ridged roots sprouted up from the ground and laid like rocks beneath the pine straw that littered the earth. It was far from comfortable sleeping arrangements, but Ezekiel and his siblings were used to such things so, after appointing Lander First Watch Ezekiel had walked off a ways and slowly plopped down by a tree. With a helpless toss and turn.....Ezekiel eventually faded away, beneath the dark tinkling canopy above that hid all from view, but the barest of moon light.

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