Chapter 11- Bite for a Bite

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Chapter 11 Somehow feeling like the lamb to the slaughter as Ezekiel playful offer tried to take root Brandon shook his head. "No. Not on your life." "No? Why not?" Ezekiels tone took on a slightly goading overture. "You can't be afraid to spar with me are you? You seem to know how to handle yourself in a fight....." Something about the way that he said this sounded like a clear challenge. And damn him....but Brando had never been able to turn away from a challenge. "I do know how to handle myself!" He replied sharply. Knowing that he had won part of the battle Ezekiel smiled, like a Cheshire cat. "Well then..." HE intoned putting out his hands to his sides, palms up. "Spar with me..." "Are you serious? You really want to do this?" Brandon sighed. "Well were out here for the rest of

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