Chapter 18 - Deadly Secrets

786 Words

Chapter 18 The moment the bed room door came into view Brandon broke away from Ezekiels stride and disappeared inside of his room, leaving Ezekiel behind him with no explanation. Ezekiel let him go. He didn't call him back or follow him. But Brandon felt Ezekiels eyes burning into his back as he slipped into the room, slammed and locked the door closed between them as if it were a barrier....but Brandon wasn't trying to keep Ezekiel out. He was praying that he could keep something in. His entire body was alive, his skin prickled with awareness of the heat that Ezekiel had ignited inside of him when he claimed his lips only moment ago. Brandon trembled with that sweet taste on his tongue, but he shivered in fear as well, because Brandon knew that if he didn't do something quickly to stem

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