Chapter 13 - Liked It

1517 Words

Chapter 13 "The leopard made YOU Shift?" Brandon asked him, glancing down at Ezekiel's hands. Somehow he strangled the growing need to reach out and un-ball the hard fist that Ezekiel had formed. The same need that had urged him to reach out and pet a giant snarling Leopard, instead of run. But a moment later Ezekiel had dropped the fist with a curse. "Damnit!" Ezekiel growled in sudden and visceral agitation. He reached out, possibly intending to touch Brandon's cheek, but at the last moment a look of guilt flickered across his face and he pulled back. "Did he hurt you...?" Ezekiel asked him softly, looking Brandon over for injuries as he spoke. "Our strength....our anger....I can't control them when I'm Shifted." Hoping to sooth Ezekiel's obvious anxiety Brandon shrugged both of his s

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