54: “Dagger said that she wouldn’t hurt me.”

1558 Words

‘Why am I not being attacked by creatures? How am I not being attacked by creatures?’   Those were basically the questions that Clementine should have thought of in the first place before making the werewolf more furious instead of thinking ways to bring her senses back like by hitting her strongly with a metal frying pan. She just wanted to smack her own head for being foolish when she used to be the person with the quickest brain to think of creative ideas in any situation; when she was in high school, she was always picked as the leader in a group activity because everyone knew how smart she was in making the activity be worthy of an A+.   Before Dagger could even attack her, who was on the floor, Clementine swiftly rolled her body to the side as she grabbed the perfume in the draw

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