7: "Can we not visit our cousin because we miss her?"

1988 Words
Sundays are the most relaxing days in a week for almost everyone in the world because ironically the sun hides for the whole day. The sun hiding every Sunday was not a metaphor but was an actual thing, which was why almost every creature in the world found Sundays the most relaxing days because of the cool weather. In the other world, Sundays were enjoyed by humans the most because it was a family day wherein most of the people would go to beaches with their families to enjoy a workfree sunny Sunday. Yes, the world wherein the sun hides whenever it was Sunday was a different world from the world where humans love Sundays as a rest day.   Opening the fridge to find a plate with a big arm of a bear on it, Dagger licked her lips as she pulled the plate out of the fridge and headed back to sit on her brown sofa that was made of the fur of the grizzly bear in the living room. It was the same grizzly bear with the arm that Dagger was going to have for lunch. She was able to eat cooked food but the problem was that she had no knowledge in the kitchen, which was why she had been living her life eating raw meat even in human form. She basically killed a grizzly bear that planned on attacking her once she was out on a mission to kill a wild beast in the forest. Killing the grizzly bear was not a part of her mission anyway so she kept it instead.   Since it was a Sunday, Dagger was going to watch a romance drama named ‘An Imperfect Romance’, which is about two women fighting over a single man, who turned out to be an ophidiophile, that eventually made them fall in love with each other as they sent the guy to a therapist together. Dagger was neither on the side of ophidiophilia supporters or ophidiophilia haters since her kind was somewhat a combination of both animal and human. The main reason why she was watching the drama was because she had a crush on one of the girls. The actors in the drama were different kinds of monsters though they dressed up as humans for the sake of the drama to look like a normal drama like back in the days where humans still existed in the world.   “Damn, Rene looks so pretty as always,” Dagger commented as she lightly bit on the raw bear arm while watching Rene, who was also a werewolf in real life that was why the stylists did not have to put on more disguise.   “Okay, fine! I’ll admit now! The reason why I keep bothering is not because I like Finn! It’s because I like you, Bubby!” Rene exclaimed to the girl she was meant to be eventually in the drama, making Dagger who had been watching seriously squeal in exhilaration.   “Oh my god! She finally confessed! Now, kiss!” Dagger said while jumping repeatedly on the sofa when her food suddenly fell to the floor because of her jumping. “Oh, crap!”   Dagger stood up to pick up the bear arm that was about to roll over further. Her house was not a fancy big house but just a simple small modern house that is perfect for a single person. Since this world was not any different from the other world where humans live, Dagger got to hire builders to build her house with the money she had earned from hunting unwanted wild creatures for the town hall. Some jobs in this world are literally the same as the jobs in the other world where humans live though unlike there, the creatures in this world do not have to study for years and get a diploma to apply for jobs. They are basically just required to have the skills needed to do the job. As a werewolf that is skilled in fighting and/or hunting, Dagger could just live her life comfortably by getting hunting jobs anytime she wants. It was in that moment that Rene and her partner in the drama had just finished kissing when Dagger went back to the sofa with her food.   “Wait, what?! They already kissed and I didn’t even see it?!” Dagger exclaimed in vexation as she punched the wooden coffee table in front of her, causing a huge c***k on the center of the table. It was the third time for Dagger to buy a coffee table because of her uncontrollable temper towards the drama she was watching. It was one of her poor personality traits that only shows whenever she grows emotionally attached to a certain thing. “Damn it.”   Since the credits of the drama began to roll in while the teaser for the next episode was playing in the background, Dagger switched the TV off because of annoyance. She basically dropped her food only to make her miss the kissing scene she had been looking forward to for several Sundays and now she destroyed her coffee table, which had only been five days since it was bought. It was a new record for Dagger in having a coffee table with the least time. The first coffee table she had lasted for a year but it got destroyed during the premier of the first episode of An Imperfect Romance because Dagger got so excited on how pretty Rene was. The second table she had lasted for a month though it was destroyed again because that was the time when she got mad at the guy in the drama for making Rene’s character jealous and hurt. As for the third table, it lasted for two weeks because when the c****x was coming in the drama, a squirrel suddenly hopped on the table and she accidentally smashed the table. Fortunately, the squirrel saw what was coming and ran away before Dagger’s heavy fist even reached it.   After Dagger finished eating her food, she stood up from her seat and went to the kitchen where the trash bin was to throw away the bone. She may be a half animal but she never liked eating bones because it only wastes energy by chewing its hard texture according to Dagger. Unlike her family members and most of the other werewolves, she was still more human. After washing her hands at the kitchen sink, repeated loud knocks from the front door made her jolt in shock as she furrowed her eyebrows and instantly got pissed off at whoever that person by the front door was for making her heart almost come out from her chest. She fluttered her hands rapidly like a bird after washing her hands to dry her wet hands naturally as she marched towards the door.   “Jesus, you don’t—”   “Happy birthday, Dagger!” Dagger’s cousins exclaimed cheerfully as they blasted the confetti poppers above her and started to sing the birthday song. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!”   “What the hell are you guys doing? It’s not even my birthday!” Dagger said in frustration as she groaned and kicked the confetti that entered her room outside.   “Wow, you didn’t even appreciate our efforts to pop these confetti. Okay, I’m going to cry now,” Alex, the dramatic cousin, whimpered as he began to fake cry while the other cousins hugged him and patted his back while he bawled as they glared at Dagger, who just rolled her eyes.   “Yeah! You’re making our Alex cry again, Dagger!” Allan, Axel’s twin brother and protector, said as he patted his brother’s head lightly even though he knew that he was just acting.   “Whatever. Why are you here? You guys know that it’s not my birthday,” Dagger said as she crossed her arms and leaned on the doorframe as she waited for them to explain themselves.   “Come on. Can we not visit our cousin because we miss her?” Lyle, the sweet talker cousin, said sweetly as he smiled, making his eyes disappear.   “You sound so gay,” Flame, the honest critic cousin, laughed as he smacked Lyle’s arm.   “I broke my coffee table earlier. Tell me your real intentions or I’ll turn you into that coffee table,” Dagger threatened them as she pointed at the coffee table behind her, making the four look to the direction she was pointing in curiosity. The four laughed nervously as they patted each other. They all may be guys but Dagger, a lady, could knock them out together.   “Okay, fine, no need for scary threats. We’re here to invite you to a werewolf duel tonight with a lone wolf from the countryside.” Lyle said with flowers unknowingly appearing behind him as a background while he spoke.   “Ah, is that all? No, thanks,” Dagger was about to shut the door though Allan immediately blocked it with his foot.   “Oh, come on! I heard that that dude is strong as hell! They said that he even defeated the alpha of his previous pack though he didn’t want to be the next alpha,” Alex said as he pouted at her. He leaned close to his twin brother’s ear as he whispered. “Act cute to convince her. Pass the message.”   Dagger scoffed when she saw how Allan actually passed the message to Lyle and Lyle to Flame. Her whole face scrunched in disgust as she saw how they attempted to act cute in their own ways. Alex gave her Alex flashed the puppy eyes with a pout with Allan following his actions but with an additional cupping face while Lyle flashed a bright smile on his face with sparkling flowers appearing around his face as he placed his palms underneath his chin. As for Flame, he shaped an ordinary heart with his hands as he wore the most serious facial expression he had, making Dagger exhale through her nose as she laughed briefly and softly because of how stupid Flame looked from doing that.   “Alright, alright, I’ll come only because of Flame,” Dagger said with a mocking smirk as she imitated Flame’s serious expression and heart shaped hands, making the others except Flame laugh loudly as they joined Dagger in making fun of Flame.   Dagger decided that it would not hurt to engage in a werewolf duel once again after 25 years of only fighting with wild creatures. When she used to be in a pack, it was normal to battle with other werewolves who were hostile though now since she was just a lone wolf, she had no reason to engage in fights with werewolves considering that she might be ganged up by a whole pack if she ever tried to mess up with a werewolf.  Among all of Dagger’s cousins in their family tree, Flame was the wisest in fighting, which made him the strongest werewolf among them though if Flame would have a one-on-one battle with Dagger, he would voluntarily surrender instantly since everyone in their family knew how strong Dagger was considering that she was a female. Battles between werewolves in the city were actually a normal thing and they usually occur near midnight because it’s cool though it still depended on when they wanted it to happen. Usually, werewolves fight with each other to train each other’s skills and strength though other werewolves battle with each other to kill.  
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