9: "What are you, anyway? A witch?"

1868 Words
It was Monday once again, which meant that a new week had arrived for everyone to start a new adventure or continue their pending journey. Everyone must begin to continue living their life as the sun rose after a long nice sleep. Similar with the other world, young creatures began to wake up early in the morning to attend school at 8 AM. Basically, the lessons they learn in schools are the stuff they would certainly need in real life such as basic fighting techniques, foreign languages, basic mathematics, and a lot more interesting stuff. While the kids prepare for school, the adults would start to do what they need to do to earn a living except for those who were able to choose when they would like to accept missions from the city hall like Dagger, who was just watching cartoons from the TV while drinking hot chocolate.   “Whoever invented hot chocolate is a god,” Dagger commented as she inhaled the delicious aroma of her hot chocolate with her eyes closed to enjoy the pleasant feeling. “It wasn’t exactly great that I had to sleep on my sofa in my own house last night but I forgive the world for allowing hot chocolate to exist.”   It was definitely frustrating for Dagger that there was a new nuisance that came to her life at the moment she walked in her bedroom to supposedly have a nice long sleep after being out in a duel for more than an hour. She knew that the girl, who occupied her bed for the whole night, was a human since she had a strong sense of smell which could identify what species or creature one is. She had never encountered a real and living human in her 324 years of existence though ten years ago, Flame travelled to another country for an adventure because he was getting bored of running into the same creatures for years then he came back a few months later with a fresh human corpse. Since he knew that their whole family would instantly snatch and devour the human corpse with no hesitation, he decided to bring it secretly to Dagger. Considering the fact that werewolves are able to remember certain scents for more than a decade, Dagger was able to remember what a human smelled like but since the human body Flame brought last time was already dead, the scent of a living human was much stronger. As a werewolf, Dagger would have eaten the girl in her bed instantly if she had no control like most werewolves but since she was a unique werewolf, she had mastered the ability to control her urges.   It was already 9:00 in the morning and Dagger had already woken up twenty minutes ago to start her morning with a cup of sweet hot chocolate. On the other hand, it was finally time for Clementine to gain consciousness as she began to notice everything around her. Panic grew within Clementine as she thought of a lot of possibilities on what happened to her and why she was sleeping in a room she had never seen. One scenario she thought of was that one of the guards her dad assigned around the mansion had drugged her and taken her to a loan shark to pay for their loan. The second scenario she imagined was that Cara drugged her during her sleep, making her hallucinate at that moment. The last scenario she came up with was that Cara killed her during her sleep and she was currently in hell while she was being punished by waking up in a messy bedroom. Clementine hated untidy rooms.   “Those three scenarios seem very possible with the last two being most likely to happen since Cara is a b***h,” Clementine mumbled as she furrowed her eyebrows in deep concentration. To answer her own questions, she took the grey blanket off her as her body turned to the side to sit when her bare feet stopped from landing on the wooden floor, which she imagined had different kinds of germs even though it literally had no dirt. “Damn it, I don’t want any unknown bacteria to get on my body.”   As Clementine sat there with her feet in the air, her eyes roamed all over the bedroom to look for something to use as slippers since she never walked around in bare feet unless she was in water, of course. The whole bedroom would have looked nice actually if it had not been for the used clothes lying on every corner, books being stacked as if they were Jenga blocks on the sides, and the black backpack that was empty but was just lying on the middle of the room. Clementine silently cussed as a comment to the whole bedroom and was pissed off by the sight so instead of scanning her eyes around the room even more, she decided to pull the blanket she used as she laid it on the floor.   “Looks like I’ll be ice skating for now,” Clementine said as she stepped on the blanket on the floor and held on the other ends of the blanket. She stretched each of her arms upwards as she finally stood up from the bed before heading towards the door.   A thought of a dangerous psychopath waiting outside came to her mind as Clementine quickly looked around her to look for a weapon near her that she would use in case the dangerous psychopath she was thinking about would attack her. She began to plan to use the hair brush that was on the table as a weapon when she saw a black object lying on the used brown sweatshirt that was on the floor. Just by looking at its shape, she immediately knew what it was as she slid her feet towards it and grabbed. Clementine racked the slide of the gun back as she held the gun behind her and stealthily crept towards the door. Like what Clementine always does, she began to imagine that she was in a detective film wherein she was the detective that was held hostage but eventually would escape. She slowly turned the doorknob in order to open the door without creating any noise that might alert the psychopath outside the room. Sliding on the blanket out the room, she vigilantly turned to each side and felt confused a bit when it looked like she was in a normal house of an ordinary person though she did not let it bring her guard down. Clementine turned right to where she heard sounds that seemed to be from a TV and moved slowly as she gripped the gun behind her tightly until she saw a flat screen TV where a cartoon about sea creatures was playing and a head with chestnut shaggy hair sitting on the sofa while watching TV.   “Die!” Clementine shouted as she fired the gun continuously, perfectly aiming Dagger’s head.   “Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?!” Dagger yelled back as she held her head and turned around to see Clementine standing on her blanket with a gun in her hand. “What the hell are you doing with my blanket?!”   “W-what? This is a toy gun?” Clementine’s eyes widened in surprise and nervousness when she realized that the gun was a toy loaded with soft foam bullets. She dropped it and held the end of the blanket tightly to her chest as she slid her foot with the blanket back. “Who the hell are you and why are you here?!”   “Hello? This is my house and I should be the one asking that,” Dagger replied in annoyance as she turned the TV off and placed her mug with hot chocolate on the broken coffee table across her before standing up to face Clementine properly. “Who the hell are you and why are you shameless enough to sleep on my bed for the whole night, use my blanket as your slippers, and fire my head with my toy gun?!”   It was the first time Clementine had ever encountered an awkward situation wherein she was the one who caused troubles to another person. Usually, a train of different thoughts and ideas to use would come across her mind instantly in any kind of situation but the current situation was different. She could not think of anything to say or do towards the person. What she could only think of at that moment was that she was doomed by an angry woman, who turned out to be the owner of the house, and that the woman opposing her looked like she had not been taking a bath for months because of her neck length shaggy chestnut hair. With Dagger still not changing her white sweatshirt and black cotton shorts from last night, Clementine could confirm that she had not really taken a bath yet.   “What are you talking about? I don’t even know why I woke up in a filthy room!” Clementine argued as she dropped her hands to her sides while clenching her fists tightly.   “Excuse me?! How dare you call my bedroom filthy when I always make sure that a piece of dirt never enters my room?!” Dagger argued back as she glared at Clementine.   “You always make sure that a piece of dirt never enters your room? Are you a comedian or something?” Clementine scoffed as she glared back at her. They held a battle of glaring for a whole minute before Dagger decided to speak.   “God, you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met even though I just met you. What are you, anyway? A witch?” Dagger said as she leaned on the back of her sofa.   “You’re more annoying than the most annoying person. And what? You called me a witch when you look way worse?” Clementine replied as she raised her eyebrow. Dagger shut her eyes to calm her anger down since she did not want to start a physical fight inside her house. After opening her eyes, she approached Clementine, making her nervous on what action she was going to do next. “W-what? Don’t go near me!”   Clementine continued to yell at Dagger to not go near her as she slid with the blanket backwards until her back met the wall, making her almost break a sweat from nervousness. Dagger looked straight to Clementine’s eyes seriously as she snatched the blanket she was holding on and dropped it to the floor. Before Clementine could complain, Dagger brought her face close to her, making her suck her lips in as she widened her eyes. Dagger moved her head near her neck as she slowly closed her eyes and started to sniff her, which made Clementine creep out as she abruptly shoved her chest away from her, making Dagger surprised and fall down to the wooden floor.
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