Chapter 3

2032 Words

He gave her his best smile. “A pint of heavy and a brandy, luv.” “You’re not from round here are you? Which brandy would you like? Staying here for a while, are you?” The woman’s voice was low and lilting, and she smiled at Kent as she poured his drink, which was the local ale. “Courvoisier. No, we’re just up for a visit. Me and my cousin are just stopping the night in a B and B on our way up to the family in Oban.” “Oh. Well, Oban’s a nice enough place. Have a good journey.” The barmaid took his money. Kent gave a silent prayer of thanks as he paid. “Take one for yourself.” “Thanks. I’ll have a vodka.” She gave him his change, and Kent headed off to join Cam. They’d agreed to let people think they were related if questioned. Cousins didn’t need to look anything alike. Cam was a coup

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