Chapter 114: Adam's Revenge

1286 Words

"You need to leave," Janet said, her voice trembling. "You need to leave now."  Adam ignored her, "Do you know what it's like to wake up and realize your hand is gone?"  "You're talking like a mad man, Adam," Janet said. "Stop, you're scaring me."  "Good," Adam growled. "Now, answer my question—do you know what it's like to wake up without a hand?" "Of course not," she stammered. "Would you like to learn?" he asked. With his good hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. He flipped it open, revealing a wickedly sharp, four-inch blade. He held it up to his face as if to inspect it, and the metal glinted brightly in the darkness of the room. "Stay away from me," Janet stammered. "Don't come any closer."  "I thought I would die," Adam said. "The pain was o

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