Chapter 7

1267 Words

Chapter Seven Primrose preferred to read in the evenings, but when one was a guest in someone else’s house, one couldn’t curl up in an armchair and bury one’s nose in a book. One had to be polite, and sip tea, and converse with one’s hostess. Primrose did just that—sip tea and make polite conversation with Lady Cheevers. The viscountess had settled comfortably into matronhood. She talked fondly of her offspring—of whom Chloé was the eldest, told Primrose all about the family’s recent bout of measles, and then fell into deep discussion with Lady Warrington about turbans, a fashion that both ladies favored. Primrose had no interest in turbans. She removed herself to a sofa further from the fireplace and amused herself by watching the younger ladies prepare themselves for Oliver’s arrival.

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