Chapter 2 - Jake

997 Words
Music was blaring and kids were running wild having fun on the training field, while the parents and other pack members were all stood or sat chatting, having a drink. One bonus of not having kids meant I got to chill out with my beer and not have to run around after a kid who was misbehaving or running riot. My poor friends were up and down out of their seats like bloody yo-yo’s for their kids right now for one thing or another. “Hey” Ruby said as she approached. “How is my little nephew” she smiles at Lola, who is sat to my right. Ruby is Lola’s cousin, and Esme’s sister, she moved here when they did after we helped the Werewolf Council close their pack. She is a sweet girl, and I find myself chatting to her quite often when I see her around the packhouse. I have to say I feel for her, knowing she lost her fated mate in a rogue attack at her former pack must have been hard. I don’t think you ever fully recover from losing your mate from what I hear. How she is still going I don’t know. I know her family have been a massive support. “Ah he is doing good.” Lola smiles. “You wanting a cuddle? And I don’t mean with Jake” she winks at me. Lola seems so much more comfortable and confident in herself now she is settled in. Motherhood seems to agree with her too. And being with her mate obviously being a good thing too. She just seemed to blossom, looking so much happier. Ruby blushes. I chuckle. “I think Xavier would definitely be the better option for a cuddle, Ruby” I say, hoping to lessen her embarrassment, showing I know Lola is teasing. Our friends are always teasing about us anytime we are together, though we are the only single ones left now, other than Luis, Lola’s brother, and considering he is Ruby’s cousin, that would be a bit weird. So it seems to be an ongoing joke that Ruby and I are interested in each other. I haven’t really looked at her like that, knowing she lost her fated mate, and knowing she would likely not be wanting another mate. I could be a friend, and I wanted my fated mate. I know I did, despite all the thoughts that kept invading my mind of late. “Ooohhh I don’t know Jake gives good cuddles Ruby” Indie says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes. Here we go again. Dan looks to me with a grin. “You been nicking cuddles off my mate?!” he demands. “Nah, she chases me for them” I grin back. “Gonna start charging her for them, I could make a bloody fortune, what with her and Lilah.” I wink at Lilah. Lilah giggles. “Jakey! That’s meant to be a secret!” Knox is laughing now. Meanwhile, Ruby looks completely lost. She should be used to this by now. She spends plenty of time with us as a group because of her cousin and sister being mates with our best friends. Yet each time conversations like this happen she looks confused. It makes me smile. “Bet you wish Lola hadn’t asked, don’t you Rubes?” I grin at her. She smiles at me, “Just a bit. Seems you get around a bit, Beta Jake” she says with a wink. I laugh, “Oh yeah, giving hugs out to mated she-wolves of my best friends. I am known for it.” I grin. “Sadly. not for anything more exciting.” Ruby blushes. “You flirting with my sister J?” Esme says, wrapping her arms around my neck as she walks behind me “cos it looks like whatever you said made her go red.” “No. Just talking.” I say. “Dirty talking?” Gabe pipes up as he joins Esme, beers in hand. Esme is now laughing. How has this conversation gone this way?! They always seem to manage to twist it, so it seems this way! Sorry Ruby, I link her they seem to find it funny to go with this No worries. She replies. You up for gaming again later? We had recently been gaming on the consoles in the packhouse together. Ruby works in the packhouse cleaning and I had been working late in my office and she had been crashed in the lounge on the console after finishing work, playing on one of the games, I got chatting about the game as it was one I played at home and we ended up playing a few matches. I saw her a few more times later that week and I don’t know why, but I suggested a rematch. Since then, we have met up for a few matches. I figured it was nice for her to have another friend in the pack. It was someone else for me to talk to that wasn’t with their mate. Something new, something different to do. Yeah, I game with the guys, but that is them talking about their mates, their family. Talking to Ruby is different right now. I guess I am still getting to know her, but also, she is getting to know me. But I feel she needs someone to listen. I want to help. Plus, when all my friends are now busy with their mates, and all the work is done for the day, it beats sitting in my house on my own. Yeah if you want to? I reply. Usual time? She replies. I simply nod to her with a smile. Still ignoring the jokes being aimed in our direction about us flirting or getting it on. Those jokes get boring after a while. There is definitely none of that going on. Not that I am aware of.
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