Chapter 36 - Rose

1033 Words

I do not understand, I have messaged Jake numerous times, asking how he is, and while this time he has replied, all I have had back are very short and simple answers. Like he doesn’t even want to talk to me. I have clearly pissed him off. And I have a feeling this does not bode well. Previously, it was him chasing me, which I have to say I had no issue with. I quite enjoyed it, other than him being a little too obsessive at times. But now this is quite uncomfortable. I do not like to be the one having to do the chasing. Do not like being the one doing the running. Not to mention it makes me question why the sudden change in his attitude towards me? Is he changing his mind about us being mates? That would be truly disastrous! My father hardly speaks to me either. Discussing only the neces

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