Chapter 29 - Rose

1277 Words

I was rudely awoken by my father banging on my apartment door. Not gently either, more like he was a debt collector or the police or something! Heaven knows what my neighbours must be thinking! I was having a lazy morning, having had a late night out drinking cocktails with the girls. There is very little point going to the office when my brain is not going to be fully functioning. So I had told the staff I was a little under the weather and would be resting at home, but to forward me anything that was urgent. So lord knows what this imbecile wants. But I can tell you something, I do not appreciate being awoken in this way, least of all when I have the remnants of a hangover loitering. I dragged myself from my bed and walked to the door. Opening it to be greeted by the crabby-looking fac

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