Chapter 21 - Jake

1332 Words

It had been over a week since Rose had messaged and I had yet to hear from her again. Despite my many attempts at contacting her. I had messaged her a couple of times to check she had got home ok. But had no response. This concerned me initially, but then began to infuriate me more. This girl seems to show me no respect, and show no care toward me, much like Knox had pointed out. I had met my fated mate and was excited, wanting to get to know her, involve her in my life. She met her fated mate, and made him feel like he was a nuisance, an inconvenience, and did all she could not to include him in her life at all. I did not understand this. I had been struggling to sleep due to how unsettled Jaxx had become. I look knackered. When I look at myself in the mirror I hate who looks back at

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