Chapter 4 - Knox

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Cleo had loved her birthday but was now crashed out across my lap, her wispy, blond wavy hair hanging down my side. She looks the picture of sweetness when she is asleep. Such a terror when she is awake, I truly don’t know how a two-year-old can have an attitude, but I swear this one is all the drama and attitude of a teenager squashed into a miniature body. Yet everyone in the pack loves her, she is a little charmer like her big brother. She had been spoilt with gifts today, so no doubt when she got around to opening all of those our house would be full with all sorts of new things to find homes for. She was named after my late sister. And has the same blond hair as her, and is the spitting image of Lilah. She has her big blue eyes, which make it very hard to be angry at her when she is looking all big baby-eyed at me. And she knows it. She is damn clever for a little girl, I swear. I used to laugh at my dad for being manipulated by my sisters, well, that was when I wasn’t complaining that it wasn’t fair they got away with so much, but now, I am dreading it when Cleo gets older, as I know I am going to be terrible. I may just get Lilah to deal with her instead! The party was winding down, and our friends were sat around just chilling together now. All stuffed with food from the buffet and grill. All drunk far too much. The kids were still playing together, though with slightly less energy than earlier, so hopefully they were getting tired so, they may sleep tonight. Well, a guy can dream, right?! I can’t believe how much has changed in around five years. All but Jake, had now met our mates. And now a herd of kids between us. Nights out are a rarity, instead enjoying time around each other’s houses and spending time together like this. With the kids running around together, like we all used to as kids. But I have to say I enjoy how things are now. I just wish Jake could find his mate too, so he was settled down too. I know he says it doesn’t bother him, nor his wolf Jaxx, but I know deep down, it does, I can sense it. I have known my friend for long enough to know he is desperately hoping for his fated mate. But time is passing so quickly now, we are heading toward thirty in a couple of years and, to be honest, I imagined us all mated with a few kids by that point. I guess that wasn’t to be. And I guess it shows things don’t work out the way you expected. “We sorting that meeting this week?” Jake asks, discussing the business we run together. “You want me there?” I ask. “And Lilah?” “Always want Lilah there for sweet talking” I wink at him. “You know the clients struggle to resist her.” This is true, our business certainly benefits from the input of Lilah and the clients love her. She is incredibly popular with them. Just having such a way with them, it instantly puts them at ease and they seem to instantly connect with her. So Jake takes full advantage of this, having her there for meetings with prospective clients and current clients too. “Nobody wants you” Gabe says with a grin. “Oh, I could so easily say something” I said with a smirk. Teasing him. Referencing the issues he had when his mate Esme had initially run on him after meeting him. Causing no end of drama and heart ache for Gabe, until finally deciding after her pack closed that she had made a mistake. I see Gabe grinning. “Ooh such a funny guy! My sides are hurting from laughing so hard!” “Curious why you are getting involved anyway, Gabe” Jake gently slaps upside his head with a grin . “Because I can and you know you want me to really. Who else will make life interesting if I don’t? Besides, it’s through me you have your link to Ruby, remember Jake” he winks at Jake. Jake rolls his eyes in disgust, as does Ruby. I’d say from their reactions Gabe was probably pretty inaccurate with that estimate. Or if he wasn’t, it was something they were trying to keep quiet at least. “You aren’t even funny” Jake starts. “Funnier than you.” Gabe smirks. “You guys going to quit falling out before you wake Xavier?” Ruby says to them with a frown, reminding me of Esme and Lola when she does. These girls are feisty when grumpy and maybe not ones to annoy, though I am the Alpha, so not like they will argue too much with me, so we are good. “How did the art classes go this week?” Esme asks Indie, knowing her Mum has been trying to learn to paint. “Well, do you really want to know?” Indie smirks. Esme looks puzzled, while Indie has everyone’s attention now. This has to be a funny tale, as Indie’s stories often are, without her even realising it. “Probably a disaster” Gabe grins. “I saw more of your Papi than I ever wanted to” Indie says. “What?!” Esme and Ruby sound mortified. While everyone else is laughing, needless to say, Gabe was by far the loudest. “Oh, I need to know this story” Gabe grins. “Why do you need to know about a story about the naked body of your father-in-law?!” Jake asks. “Ewwww!” Manny says before laughing again. “Seriously Ind, what happened?!” Esme asks. “I was teaching them portrait work recently, and using oil paints. Well, good ol’ Sofia there decided to paint a nude portrait of her hubby. I nearly had a fricking heart attack when she showed me, gave me no warning when she handed it to me. I did not know where to look!” Indie is saying, her cheeks tinted red. We are all laughing again at her embarrassment. Gabe is laughing so hard he is crying. Yet these are his in-laws. Has he no shame?! “Was it an impressive picture?” Gabe says with a wink. Before me and the other guys begin to laugh again. Yeah, I guess we never grow up. “I swear, Gabriel, you won’t be impressive, when I am done with you” Esme snarls at her mate, clearly not impressed at him right now. But this makes him laugh again. “Ah so I am impressive already though?” he smiles at her with a wink. “Good to know” That has me and the guys laughing again and the girls shaking their heads. “Indie, why did you have to say anything?!” Ruby asks. “You surely have worked out she has no filter, right?” Dan laughed. “it isn’t that bad, Sofia was clearly just painting what was on her mind. Your Dad must have done a good job. Don’t be embarrassed, be proud of the old guy for still being able to keep your Mum happy” “DAN!” Esme says shaking her head while the guys laugh once more. “So I am guessing Sofia is banned from art class now?” Gabe asks Indie. “For drawing rude pictures?” “It isn’t a rude picture though, it is art, isn’t it? You see lots of paintings at art galleries and museums with blokes with their d***s out, nobody has an issue. Just because you know the person she painted you are making it an issue.” Dan says, a massive grin on his face. “I wish I hadn’t mentioned it now” Indie says. “Hey, we might be making progress if you are regretting saying something!” I pointed out, as normally she couldn’t care less. Indie shakes her head at me with a smirk playing on her lips “You’re a d**k, Knox.” “You lot are crazy” Ruby shakes her head. “And you are just working that out now?!” Jake laughs with a smile and a shake of his head. “You best get used to it hunni”
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