Chapter Three-4

2041 Words

“It will be – very exciting for me – wherever we go,” Angelina said. “I have – never dined in a – restaurant.” “I know you ought not to be dining in one now, especially with me,” the Prince said. “That is why I think it is very brave and wonderful of you to do as I asked.” “Grandmama would be very – shocked!” “So would a number of other people,” the Prince answered, “and that is why I must take great care that no one sees us or tries to make trouble.” “At the same time,” Angelina said, following her own thoughts, “it is an adventure – a very big – adventure for – me!” “For me also,” the Prince said. “At the same time I am afraid.” “Afraid?” Angelina questioned. “Why should you be afraid?” “Because, if we are talking metaphorically, I am plunging deeper and deeper into a maze and I h

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