Chapter Five-3

2014 Words

The Prince accepted an aperitif of ouzo, a spirit, he told Angelina, with the flavour of aniseed, which she would not like. She was conscious, as he spoke, that while they were talking in words that anyone could listen to, they were saying things to each other that could not be heard, but which linked them together with the mesmeric magic they had known the night before. “You are looking very beautiful,” the Prince whispered almost under his breath. The light in her eyes answered him and in a normal voice he said, “You must try meze, which I know you will enjoy.” A big plate of meze was put in front of them and the Prince helped Angelina to a small canapé spread with brik which he told her was red caviar and taramasalata, which she found was a delicious preparation of fish roes. Ther

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