Chapter 2 The Gift

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These last couple weeks, almost a month have been busy with working on my core physical strengeth along with my talking and my memory.. because I forget words every now and then.. even Elijah has been going over facts about my life from what he has found out from my file helping me relearn my personal information just in case. "Come on Avery only 3 more!" Elijah encourages me as I push again with him counting down "3.... 2....1.... perfect! Yes another amazing day of strengthening! What a great way to end your last day! Now get back to your room and shower, then change! I have something special for you and I have to go pick it up so I will be back soon enough! Great job!" He gives me a high five as he just holds onto my hand and using that hold to help me up.. Once I'm steady, he then leaves me to pick up whatever he got from who knows where. I get back to my room in no time at all taking a shower and getting dressed. I just leave my hair down since it has a natural beach wave to it. I sit down collecting my things.. looking through all of it letting my mind wander as it has been lately.. Just trying to comprehend my life and where it will go since I obviously don't know the answer to that question. I hear my door open, gaining my undivided attention as Elijah comes on in. "AVERY! I'm so proud of you! You have been making amazing strides in your health! I think it's probably time that you can get ready to head home!" Elijah yells in excitement prancing around the room. I put on a fake smile but I can't help but feel sad at the idea of having to leave, getting back into my life without him.. he has been my only comfort, motivation and stability throughout this whole ordeal.. I feel vulnerable and weak at the thought of not having him with me by my side. His encouragement has helped me all along the way to get up everyday and work. I know I should be excited to be going home from this place.. to hopefully piece my life back together, because I haven't gotten one memory back the whole time I have been awake. But I honestly feel as if I don't want to go back.. I have a feeling deep inside of me that I wasn't a good person hence why no one wants to be here when I need them the most. Especially my husband.. What kind of husband doesn't stick with his wife? Through sickness and health I thought.. but I guess that's what I get for thinking, huh? He came the first week then stopped.. and that's just assuming that he was the one who came here in the first place.. because it's not like I recognize his face or anything and he could have just been a friend, family or coworker. So I'm scared because I'm jumping into the deep unknown abyss just hoping for the best. But I guess I won't know until I try.. so I will prepare for the worst while hoping for the best in this unique situation. "Alright Mrs. Avery Swan! You have been doing some amazing work with me these past couple weeks.. making amazing progress! So to celebrate, I went to the bakery and got you something special before you have the best day of your give you that extra pep in your step about getting out of this place and getting on with your life like you obviously deserve! So I got you various flavors of truffles!" He says pulling a box out from behind his back. "Elijah, you are the absolute best.. you didn't have to do that!" I say as an ear to ear grin appears across my face while he stands right in front of me, opening the box so I can sneak a quick bite. I turn the box towards him so he can grab one as well which he greatly appriciates.. because he smiles big accepting my kind gesture by shoving the pastry into his mouth. Chewing it with his cheeks looking chubby like a squirrel holding nuts in his cheeks for the winter. It's absolutely adorable. "Thanks Avery those really are amazing." He exclaims as I retort, "I knew you would like one.. but thank you for getting these for me.. it was sweet of you to go out of your way for just me." "Yea of course.. You're worth it.. Um.. speaking of that.. I did.. get you something else.." He says pulling a long box out from his pocket and handing it to me. I get a shocked look on my face as I glance between the box and Elijah not knowing if I should accept this or not. There's no denying it's probably jewelery but I don't think this is normal for the therapy nurse to give a gift to his patient.. but I don't want to turn it down either. If I'm never going to see this amazing man again I would love some type of momento from him as weird as that may sound. "Come on, don't think too much into it Avery.. I just wanted you to have something to hold on to, just to show you how strong you really are and how far you have come.. on your own.. because you don't need anyone else no matter what happens. This will be that reminder." He says opening the box for me to see. It's a rose gold necklace with a symbol that looks almost like two swirls put together. "It's so beautiful Eli.. What does it mean?" I ask as he pulls the necklace out of the box, circling behind me, so I lift my long dark hair out of the way. He inches closer as he says practically in my ear, "It means strength because believe it or not you're one of the strongest people I have ever met."I can smell his woodsey musk filling my senses again like it was the first day while I feel the tears building in my eyes at that thought alone. He comes back around and sits down in front of me but instantly gets concerned when he sees my welling eyes. "I'm sorry, if you don't like it I can always take it back if anything." he says as I shake my head vigorously at him. "So what's wrong then?" He asks me as I let out a wavering breath. "It's perfect and so sweet, there is nothing wrong with the necklace.. I'll honestly probably wear it until my last.. I'm just scared.. I'm just jumping into this pit hoping there is someone there to catch me, then help me through all this.. but the only person who has been there for me is you.. I'm scared to not have you around.. You're the only reason I'm strong and have even made it this far." I say sniffling as he shakes his head scooting closer. "No that is not true at all.. I brought out the strength you already had inside of you.. and don't ever worry about that, I'm here.. you also know where to find me if you need me but I'm sure you won't need me once you get back home. You will probably forget all about me.. but I don't want you to forget how far you have come, hence the necklace." He explains to me as I nod but honestly not believing that.. There is no possible way that I could ever forget him.. he has turned into my savior. "Now that all this is cleared up.. Do you think you might be ready to get going?" He asks as I glance up at him just wishing this moment to go on all day, but we both know it can't. I'm sure he is probably like this with all of his patients anyways.. So I shouldn't get my hopes up, especially when I have to keep reminding myself that I'm married to a no-show husband. I stare into his stunning eyes just enjoying the sight before me, trying to take a mental picture to save for myself later. I let out a deep breath and nodding but not giving him an outloud answer. "Ok perfect, so you prepare yourself in here and I'll get your paperwork process started so we can get you out of here soon enough. I'll be back beautiful." He hops off the bed and parading out of the room, since he is way happier then I am about all of this. I stand up looking around my room that I have called home for weeks now because it was the only place I could go.. I slowly glide my hand across the tops of the shelves and looking around the quiet empty room, before I get to the small closet. I open the closet door to pull the only bag I have out, putting my couple articles of clothing items and anything else I have into it.. which isn't much.. most of it was given to me by Elijah or the hospital, making sure I have everything I need hygiene wise. So I put everything into my bag as I make my way to the mirror. I look at the shell of the person in the reflection... I mean I look healthy now which is better then how I looked when I first woke up.. but I feel so empty with nothing else inside of me at the moment.. the only one who makes me feel anything inside, like I have something worth living for, is the only man who has nothing to do with my old life. It's sad really.. but if this is the effect a man can have on me in the span of almost a month, then just imagine what effect anyone else can have in my life if I spend everyday with them for longer.. So like he said, maybe this is just the beginning. Giving me a taste at what could be, if I give my old life a legitimate chance. That's it, I need to go into this open minded and everything should work out. I smirk at my reflection as I fix my hair, pushing the stray hairs behind my ear. I wash my face quickly as I pat it dry. Then hearing my door open knowing that's either my lunch or Elijah. I turn leaving the bathroom to see it's both, Elijah has brought my lunch for me like the sweet man he is. "Hey beautiful, I brought you some lunch it's grilled cheese tomato soup with a salad." He says to me setting the tray down on the table. I smile as I inch closer until the buttery, cheese aroma hits my nostrils.. Everything around me disappears as I'm brought back into the movie like scene.. I think I have seen this place.. I think this is the office I was in before. The timid beautiful woman is standing in front of me not making any eye contact. "What is this bullshit?! Do you really think I would like this disgusting excuse for a meal?" I spat at the timid woman, pushing the food back into her so it spills all down the front of her beautiful dress as she gasps.. I'm assuming at the heat and mess of the soup. "Now go get me something else and change your outfit, there is no way I would ever be seen with you if you look like dog s**t!" I wave her away as I see the tears welling in her eyes but I sadly don't care as I watch her shut the office door behind her. With the sound of the door shutting, I'm brought back to the hospital room, I'm now hunching over, hyperventilating with Elijah and his strong arms wrapped around me making me feel ok.. for the moment. "What happened? Are you ok Avery?" Elijah asks as I let out another wavering breathe before explaining. "I.. I.. think I saw a memory." I say now holding my head trying to comprehend what I just saw. Elijah helps me stand up straight as he walks me to the bed so I can have a seat. "That's good though right?" He says in an excited tone as I shake my head. "Why? What was it about?" He asks sounding sad for me. "I don't exactly know.. but all I know is that, it was like I was in a movie.. I'm the main character but I can't control anything, I just have to watch it play out.. and I didn't like what I saw." I explain to him looking away. "What did you see? If you don't mind me asking." He adds nervously because I don't think he wants to pry, just curious, which is understandable. "Um.. we will say that my assumption was right and I'm a real b***h-a-roony-doony.." I say sadly as he nods looking at me. "Well the good thing about all this is that you could change things if you wanted to.. nothing says you have to go back to be the same person you were.. you can learn from your old mistakes when you remember them, then turn over a new leaf and change into who you want to be.. if anything different." He says so reassuringly to me making me feel better suprisingly enough because he is right, I could change things.. Nothing in the future is set in stone.. just the past. "Thanks so much for your kind words.. I'll make sure to keep that in mind.. thanks again Eli." I respond as he smiles giving me a half hug before he states over his shoulder while leaving the room. "They're going to be done with your paperwork soon.. so get something into your system and I'll be back to help you leave."
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