Chapter 2

1144 Words
Eleana is getting impatient. The sound of dried leaves against her feet was her only companion as she threads her way deeper into the forest. She is on the hunt for a Bislik—one of the rare monsters to find all around the known world. Her father—the King of Castille—would surely be grateful to receive it as a gift for his birthday. He is fond of collecting the monsters he has slain by making their heads a decoration on his gallery. A Bislik is still not on his collection. It is difficult to find rare monsters but she has planned and learned its tracks for months before the court moved to the best hunting ground near the borders between Castille and Rikkah. The King’s birthday celebration is always held for a week and because her father always liked to hunt, it is tradition to go there. Taking her parents' blessings, she has stayed in the forest, day and night, without proper food and unchanged clothes, searching with her best weapons. But almost a week has passed, they are close to going back to the castle, and she still hasn’t caught the monster. Despite her anxiousness and exhaustion, she can't help but marvel at the beauty of nature. All the greens and browns. The smell of fresh blooming flowers. The trees overshadowing her, blocking the sunlight slightly. This place has always been her favorite since Castille was never like this. Their kingdom was too dull, less bright. Maybe because of the past wars and her father's type of rule. Nonetheless, the kingdom was still her home. The place where her family and her people live. And someday she will take the throne. Ever since she was a young girl, her father always brought her alongside him—on meetings, supervision of the army, execution of those who oppose him. Basically, ruling of the land. She is perfectly aware of the brutality of her father when it comes to implementing the law. And she tries to understand it the best she can because one day, she would take his position and if certain circumstances happen when she has to be like him—unshaken, merciless and to be feared at—she would do it. Many are expecting that she would do good once she reigns since they deem her as an epitome of perfection. She is a beauty, kind, soft-spoken but she could fight and be ruthless when need be. She's a perfect combination so they say. Though all of the others' opinions do not matter to her because she only wants the favor of two particular persons—her parents. She lived all her life trying to please them. She studied everything she needed to learn. She trained until they were satisfied. And always shows her best behavior at all times. She is willing to do everything and she hopes every day that it is enough for them. She stopped and settled under a tree to rest. Her limbs are already shaking from hunger and fatigue. She grabbed her flask from her sack bag and drank the liquid inside it, only a little, saving it for later in case there is no water source around the area. She rested her head on the tree, face up to look at the sky and basking the warmth in silent appreciation. She has to get that monster one way or another. It is not just all about gifting her father with the best there is to offer, it is about her being capable of fighting one of those rare monsters even when she still has no power. Bislik is, indeed, hard to find. It is because no one ever dared to search for it. It is a massive creature and with claws pointed and sharp as its teeth. It is strong and it also has the ability to trap its prey with its saliva. She has seen what it looks like from the drawn illustrations in their library but she had prepared herself for the worst. Sometimes those illustrations tend to have an error which makes the Bislik to be possibly more monstrous-looking than what she has already seen. She has stayed up all night last night, thinking that it will show up when the skies are dark and there is little activity on the earth. It was a mistake, now she is all sleepy. Her eyelids are dropping and she was sent to slumber instantly. But only to be awakened when she heard a deep rumble on her face. Just after opening her eyes, a drop of something slimy landed on her feet. She looked at it and frowned at the liquid slowly hardening. She slowly gazed up and she stilled. It was the Bislik! Her luck has played with her ultimately. If not then she wouldn't be in this situation. Just when she had fallen asleep, the Bislik would appear. Of all the times, why now when she was completely unguarded? She slowly reached for something to protect herself. It is right before her eyes, breathing heavily as its insides rumble. She cannot believe she is actually seeing it and not just from the books. Its antler was the most magnificent she had ever seen in her life. Its skin is the blackest of black. And it is humungous, four times the size of her. It is hunchbacked and with a hairy tail, moving around its back. She felt her feet completely trapped by its saliva but the Bislik wasn’t attacking her. It was just there, standing and breathing. She was ready for its next move. She remained still but her dagger is in her hand and she would pierce it if it advances towards her. Only that it didn’t. It slowly turned its back on her and started to walk towards a stack of various dead animals it has collected. She watched it devour those, blood dripping from its mouth to its chest. The cracks of bones and flesh were a haunting reminder of what her fate shall be. She slowly—trying not to make a sound—reached for her bow and arrow that she has specifically made for this hunting. Her movements are limited since her feet are trapped but she can definitely still move her upper body. She focused on her target and convinced herself that she could do this. Sweat started to form on her forehead as she moved her thumb to caress her bow before positioning, finally aiming at the monster. She has one chance. This is an opportunity or a way for her death. If she killed it with one strike then all is well but if not, then it would surely choose to eat her instead of those already dead animals. As she took a sharp breath, she released her arrow.
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