Chapter 5

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She was by the river, sitting exactly beside a rock.  Nyxus is gone but the arrow that struck him was on the ground, a stain of blood covering it—proof that what happened wasn’t a mere imagination. She held the arrow and roamed her eyes around, looking for him. He did not make anything clear about what he saw in her future though he is not obligated to. She wondered if he really showed up to her just so he could see what her destiny is. The great Nyxus, feared by all, downgraded himself by allowing her to shot him with her arrow and said by actual words, "I came here for you." Why? That is all there is to think about. Why would he do that?  It is getting dark, not because Nyxus is arriving, but because the sun is setting. She decided to go back to camp, giving up on the Bislik. Besides, she has to go back since it is the last night of her father's birthday celebration which means that her attendance is required for the closing. She grabbed her things and kept the arrow that struck Nyxus as a souvenir. Bothered, she did not notice when she finally arrived at the camp. Only when applause and cheer erupted did she woke up from her reverie. She caught sight of Alec walking towards her and clapping along with the others. “Why? What happened?” she asked when he got nearer. Looking around the folk’s delight on seeing her, she is clueless what’s the reason behind it. She looks a mess, that's definitely not something to be cheering about. “Your father wants to see you," he said. He rested his arm around her shoulders, his hand on her left arm. She hissed when he hits something painful. “Are you injured?” Alec immediately moved to his left and raised her sleeve. She looked at it as well. The pain was there but there is no visible wound. “We’ll have you checked after you see your father.” They treaded their way to the King’s tent. Placed on the heart of the camp with uniformed sentries surrounding, there is no mistaking that it is the King’s. Moreover, the royal standard of the King and Queen was displayed. Getting in, she immediately kneeled to pay her respects. Alec walked to the side and lets her have the attention. “Rise, my child.” She did, looking straight at her father—sitting at his chair. His hair was all white yet his skin was still smooth and perfect. He is over a thousand years old but his mien age slowly. Queen Indila is settled on one corner together with her ladies, occupied with their handiwork. However, the woman looked at her intently—something her mother did less in the public eye. Only when she did something wrong does she piques the woman’s attention. “It is a beautiful gift. I will not ask for anything more.” He raised his hand to let her look on her back. She turned and was surprised to see the Bislik's head openly displayed. Its eyes were wide open, blood was still dripping but its antler is as magnificent as when she has seen it a while ago. “I don’t understand,” she told her father. “Don’t be too humble, Eleana. Alec told me everything. He said you were having a hard time transporting it to the camp so he volunteered to help.” Her eyes immediately went to Alec who is looking straight at her father. He caught it and told my father that I did so I could get the recognition? That was unfair for him. Everyone is wanting to get the King’s attention and Alec just gave it away for her sake. “I—" She wanted to clear everything out but she was cut off.  "You've been away for almost a week and you must have been tired from all that hunting. I shall require you to rest so you won't be too strained for later's activity," King Elias said in finality. Alec started to move towards her. His hand rested on the small of her back, urging her to move and do not insist on whatever she plans to do. When they get far from the tent, she grabbed him and pulled her far from the folk’s watchful eyes. “Why did you do that?” she hissed. “I am not expecting this reaction,” he said, laughing. His arms raised in surrender. “What makes you think that I will be grateful for what you did?” “I am not actually thinking that you will. Knowing you, you’re too proud.” She huffed and started to walk back to her father. “I’m telling them.” Alec grabbed and pulled her to him. “Seriously, Eleana, let it go. It’s not that big of a deal.” “It becomes a big deal when you meddle.” “It’s called helping.” She tried taking her hand away from his hold. They are like children all over again.  “But I wanted it so I could prove to myself that I can actually slay a monster as rare as that Bislik. And you killing it does not prove my capabilities at all." "Believe me, Eleana, I know how important it is for you to kill the Bislik. And I wanted to help." "You did not help. You did all the work," she stated. Alec pulled her closer. “Alright. On your father's next birthday, we will plan together and kill one of the monsters you choose, alright? Include me in your expeditions. I do not like it when I am being left out. And by that time, I will make certain you shall be the one to end a monster.” They were close, too close that she can feel his heat radiating, his breath on her forehead, and his chest heaving against hers. From the years they’ve been together, she is perfectly aware of the changes as he grew older. He became fitter because of his various strenuous activities. He is more handsome than before—maybe because of the way he presents himself now, with plain confidence and an air of regal. Finally, he released her. “I’ll see you tonight,” he just said. She started walking to her tent, not glancing at Alec or she could swear that he would see how hyperventilating she is on the inside. Her maids had already prepared a bath for her which she really needed. They undressed her and had her clothes for six days thrown to the fire since it would be pointless to wash and mend them. They scrubbed her skin excessively until she is all red and the water on the tub has turned brown. Her hair was all tangled that three servants combed it. A ceremony shall take place to honor all her father’s achievements. His excellence in battles, his intelligence in governance, and his power of compulsion. His power is, indeed, a strong gift from the gods. If someone is not strong-willed, they will be easily controlled by her father. But she always does his bidding. He may or may not be using his powers on her. Though in the end, he always gets what he wants. What she’ll be wearing for the last night of the camp was chosen by her mother. She is donned with a gossamer gown which she questioned if it is quite fitting for such an occasion. It is quite revealing and too light for her taste. One wrong move and she’s certain the dress would fall off. But she did not voice the question and sentiments out. The maids will certainly tell it to her mother and it shall only add more reasons for the woman to pin her in uncomfortable circumstances. Her mother likes it when she makes something untoward. It gives the woman freedom to ridicule her.  Her hair, thankfully, is let down. Cascading down her back in soft curls, she would weigh them down on both of her shoulders later to cover her chest. She wears no jewels. Extravagance does not really matter when they are out of the palace walls. Besides, they are the spectacle even without the glam. She was all set when someone entered the tent, guided by her guard. “The royal physician is here to see you, Princess.” “What is it?”  “Prince Alec asked me to check on your shoulder, Princess,” Asrus, the royal physician, said. “There is no need. I’m feeling fine now.” It is true. She doesn't even know why she had that pain on her shoulder a while ago. “But he insisted that I check on you. I cannot disobey orders, Princess. And if your health is at stake then I am not fulfilling my duties if you force me to go.” Pursing her lips tight, she waved her hand to signal the guard to go and let the physician be. Her maids stayed and watched.  Asrus puts down his bag on the table beside her. He has been working for the family long before she was even born. He has rendered great service to the royalty and his expertise in his profession is beyond commendable. That is why it is not so easy to decline him.  “Your shoulder, Princess.” She raised her sleeve, showing him her left arm. He hasn’t even touched it yet but he immediately backed out. Confused, she looked down at her arm. A swirl of black ink runs down her upper arm. How that ink got there was a mystery to her. She tried to erase it but it didn’t even smudge. “This is... I... “ Asrus glanced at the maids by the corner then back to her. “Do you know what this means, Princess?” he asked lowly, only enough for them both to hear. “I don’t even know where it came from.” Asrus looked back at the ink, agitated. “You’ve been marked.” “Marked?” “Leave us.” They all glanced to where the voice came from. Her mother was by the entrance. Grim-faced, staring at her arm. Even though curious, the maids left them alone within a minute. Asrus talked to her mother in a hushed voice before walking out completely. “Marked by who, mother?” she asked. “Nyxus,” Indila plainly answered. “He is the only one who does that.” Realization washed over her. He did hold her there before the darkness vanished.  She pulled her sleeve back in place while her mother walked towards her bed to sit. “He suddenly showed himself today. I didn’t even know it is him.” “You must’ve been really scared.” She breathed. “I was.” Indila stood and reached for her arm, caressing it. “I don’t know why he marked you but he only does it to folks who wronged him. Marking them on their remaining days as the ink slowly lessens.” She paled, remembering that she has shot him with her arrow. “You never told me this.” “Because I would never think he would come to you.” Her grip tightened. “What else did he do?” “He...” She flinched when she felt her mother’s nails digging on her flesh.  "What?" the woman pressed. “He read my future.” “And?” Her mother’s voice quiver. “He said something I did not understand then he left.” “Just like that?” the woman said unbelievably. She nodded. Indila finally lets her go. Blood oozed out from the fresh wound but her mother merely glanced at it then turned to the exit. “Don’t tell anyone that you saw him, understood?” “Yes, mother.” “And do your best to hide that ink. You wouldn’t want to pique their curiosity.” She answered with a nod. Indila sighed then reached out for her again. She was surprised when she felt her mother kissed her forehead. It was short-lived but it was everything she longed for. #lovobogROW 
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