Chapter 12

1073 Words

“It has been a week since Magnus had been guarding you. I am surprised you have not expressed your argument further with me,” Queen Indila said. Eleana was summoned by her mother to attend to her before bed. The Queen is currently inside the tub, submerged in water with floating petals of flowers she favors. Smoke was all over the room, condensing from the hot liquid. Only a few candles were lit up, making the room dim and a bit eerie. They are the only ones inside. The Queen has dismissed her servants so Eleana is obligated to do the servants’ work. She scrubbed her mother’s arm as gently as she could. “He had been agreeable and he does not talk so it is easier for me.” “He is mute, my child. Do not take someone’s disability to be an advantage for your sake. It’s disrespectful.” Upo

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