Chapter 63 - Livvy

1417 Words

A month later... Well, life has made a change. I am now an aunt. To a beautiful little girl, Lia. A chubby little cherub of a baby. A true beauty. A flurry of jet black hair on top of her tiny little head, piercing blue eyes... Noah and Samiya had created the most beautiful little one, and I worshiped her, and I was at their home multiple times a week now to spend time with my new niece. She was precious and a welcome distraction to the mess within my life. Gio had remained away. Sticking to his words, he thought distance would do us good, and perhaps he had been right. Him not being here certainly meant we had grown no closer. Though it does not change the fact I missed him terribly. I missed our chats... his smile... the way he had been there for me... the way he brightened my day...

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