Chapter 29 - Gio

1511 Words

Noah had kindly dismissed me, once I had helped calm Livvy down. Had he not got her so distressed I wouldn’t have needed to, yet I barely got an acknowledgment. A thanks G, now piss off back to your office. I have no idea what it was that terrified her so much. The way Noah had always spoken of his parents, and on the odd occasion I had met them, both here and at college, they had always seemed so lovely, an extremely close family. Incredibly supportive and proud. Though, obviously, that was with Noah, I have never seen them with Livvy. I find it hard to believe that parents can treat their children so differently, but perhaps they did? I sit at my desk, working on a work proposal, something I planned to work on over the next few weeks. But I found my gaze moving to my office window an

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