Chapter 59 - Gio

1453 Words

After spending the evening with Livvy and Summer, I headed home. I was desperate to spend longer with Livvy, but I wanted to be alone with her, and obviously, with her friend there, that had been an impossibility. I hadn’t been able to talk to her about half the things I had wanted to do, as Summer did not seem to get the message, or Livvy had asked her friend to hang around. Either way, I was going home frustrated and stressed. But, at least, I knew that things were okay with Livvy. She was okay, she seemed to have noticed a difference in Eli too, so I knew it wasn’t just me. But she was clearly clueless about the reasoning, unlike me. And I had no intention of sharing that piece of information right now. I didn’t think for a moment she would be interested in Eli, but a small part of me

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